off to Hawkins

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Beatrice's POV

I was riding my motorcycle home and when I got to the driveway Anne was standing in the doorway waiting for me. Now let me explain, Anne is not my mom but she likes to pretend she is. Just as Nicholas isn't my little brother and Stuart isn't my father. Apparently Anne wanted a daughter and Stuart worked at some facility and I guess he brought me home with him one day. I don't know. But either way that was a few years ago, we live in Florida now.

"Hello Anne." I said plainly

"I told you to stop calling me that, now where is your brother?" She asked irritated I shrugged

"You were supposed to pick him up!!!" She yelled

"I got sidetracked, I guess." I said

"You got sidetracked?!" She yelled

"Yea that's what I said." I sighed

"Go get him! NOW!" She yelled pushing me to my bike. I sighed doing as I was told since I was in no mood to argue. I jumped on my bike and made my way to Nicky's school. When I got there he came running as fast as his little legs could carry him. I noticed tears on his face and my entire mood changed. I hopped off my bike and met him halfway picking him up into my arms.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying?" I said as I wiped his cheeks

" 'iss 'indy was bein a big meanie." He said I was confused as to how a teacher, grown woman could possibly bully a five year old. So I carried him on my hip and made my way to the playground where the other kids were. I sat him down by the swings and went over to his teacher.

"Excuse me, Linda?"

"Its Lindsey" she said

"Yea whatever, anyway, Linda. My brother tells me you were mean to him?"

"I most definitely was not. But sometimes he has tantrums so I put him in timeouts."

"Well why is he having tantrums."

"I'm not sure but the other kids are afraid of him." she said before walking off. I stood there confused. What's so scary about a 5 year old boy. Nicky walked over and grabbed my hand. We made our way to my bike when I dropped my keys, I noticed that they stopped in midair. I quickly grabbed them and wiped my nose only to see that there was no blood. I quickly looked down and I noticed Nicky's nose was bleeding. I gasped I quickly wiped his nose and looked around to make sure no one was watching.

" 'id you swee it Bea, you swee my twrick?!" He asked softly I looked at him and lifted him onto the bike strapping his helmet on him.

"Yea bubba, very cool." I said worried. If Nicky had the same weird 'tricks' as me does that mean he's actually my brother? Does Anne know? Does Stuart know? Did Stuart do this to us in his facility? More importantly how long do I have to get us outta here before we become someone's science project?

I thought about all these things for awhile by the time we got home I explained to Nicky that he couldn't tell anyone about his trick, and he wasn't allowed to do it anymore. He asked why and of course I had to lie to him he doesn't understand the dangers

"People won't understand like me. They will be mean about it."

"Even Mommy and Daddy?" He asked softly

"Yea, buddy even mommy and daddy, they just wouldn't understand. It will be our little secret."

"And you pwotect me fwom da meanies?" He asked

"Yea buddy, I'll protect you, I'll protect you from the world." I mumbled carrying him inside. Anne was in the kitchen cooking and Stuart was gone as always. I went up to my room and sat at my desk I started to form a plan for how I was gonna get not only myself but Nicky out of this town. I don't have many friends here because let's be honest why would you want to be friends with a 14 year old that rides a motorcycle, wears all black, and has random nose bleeds? Yea I wouldn't be friends with me either. I already know that if I go back to Hawkins I have a mom I remember her. I remember her voice, always yelling for me to run, for Stuart to bring me back to her. So maybe I should just go back.

Time skip

It was Monday and I was on my way home. I had made sure to leave Nicky at school I parked my bike down the street and quickly went to the back of the house and climbed in my window I grabbed the bags I had packed this morning full of our clothes and other important things and went back to my bike. I came up to the driveway and surprisingly Anne wasn't outside. I went inside and snuck to my room to see if I could find my sister using the TV. I found her and then I felt someone rip the blindfold off my head.

"What have I told you about this?!" Anne yelled

"I was j-"

"No, you are sick. Sick in the head!" She yelled dragging me outside

"I will not have you living in my house any longer! You have even made your brother just as sick as you! You will pick him up and never come back! Understand?" She yelled. I sighed nodding and I picked myself up off the ground as Anne went back inside I quickly went to the Garage walking to the safe and grabbing all the cash and cards from inside before I got the side car for my bike and screwed it on and throwing the bags in it then I quickly put all the money in my backpack before driving off.
I drove to the school and got Nicky.

"Bea? Where we going?" He asked when he noticed the side car that I only use when I go on trips.

"We're gonna go away for a little while."I smiled softly putting his helmet on.

"Is momma coming?" He asked

"Not this time bub." I whispered. He just nodded. I rearranged the sidecar so that there was enough space for the bags and Nicky. I buckled his in and gave him his favorite blanket and a granola bar. Then I jumped on my bike.

"Off to Hawkins." I sighed.

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