two - decisions

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you woke up in a blank room, which seemed rusty and dirty. it had black walls and no more, except a small window that hung right above you. it was quite small, but could just barely fit you. you were quite slim, so it wouldn't be too hard to slip out without making any shaky noise. as your eyes fluttered open to reveal the sight, you laid there.
a man suddenly appeared at your feet. he had almost all black clothing on, dirty jeans and black gloves on. a small fire burned next to you, which had a blue hint to it- most definitely waking you up completely as you felt your fingertips burn next to the heat. you were completely drained. you
"shut up." your words was cut off by the mysterious man's raspy voice. he had stitches- no, staples, embedded in his skin. you stared at them and he grabbed your hand, pinning you on the ground.
"tell me what you know." he growled, extremely intimidating. you just lay ed there in fear, not knowing what to do.
"i- i don't what you're talking about-" you managed to spit out. you really didn't know anything about, well, anything. you never read or caught up on the news or anything like that.
he grabbed your other hand. he pinned that against the ground as well, but left your legs open for combat. he narrowed his eyes, bending down to your ear. he just chuckled. "you're really stupid."
"don't think i know that?" you spat, your instincts getting the best of you. the man, who seemed nameless, let you free. he reached into his jeans back pockets, taking out a pair of handcuffs that seemed almost.. worn out. he returned to where you stood, and cuffed your hands and forced you to sit on the floor.
you were absolutely terrified.

time skip- later that night..

you sat there in the corner for a few hours. if the man returned, you were hoping that you could bargain with him to at least get you out of these cuffs. they were seriously going to leave a mark and you didn't like the idea of being sat next to a wall for the rest of your boring life.
nothing happened for the time you were there. you suspected that he was always on the other side of the barren door, waiting for you to make a move. so you never did.
the window above you rattled slightly as you heard a noise outside. curious, you sat up in good posture to get at least a look of the grass. nothing happened; maybe a storm?
you sighed and lunged forwards. hopping to your feet, you tip-toed quietly to the door, your blue converse just barely making a noise. as you rested your ear against the door, it opened and you were thrown behind it. the mysterious man just stood there staring at you with one eyebrow raised before he grabbed your arm and exited the room with you in front of him.
he paused. another man- who looked quite odd, with.. hands?
the man in black threw you back into the room once more as the dude with the creepy hands all over him approached your kidnapper. as the door slammed shut, a plan came to your mind. whispers could be heard outside of the door and you scooted closer to the window.

this is going to do some damage.

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