Ice Ice Baby

420 6 0


Mild cussing, cheesy name


Set in modern AU and your soulmates first words AU!

Dedicated to the one and only  @baberoeee Ihopeyoulikeit


George  clasped his freshly made Starbucks caramel macchiato and blew on it gently not to ruin the froth topped of with the rich, golden brown, gooey caramel drizzle. George always found these things to taste so much better during the season of Christmas. The drink always made him feel this odd sort of warm fuzzy feeling he lacked.

George glanced around in hope to find a vacant seat. It's cold, icy and flurries are falling from the sky making literally everything impossible to see.

The only open seat was at a table of four with only two chairs left. He assumed a table with a larger party snatched those very seats. On one end of the table was the chair calling George's name. On the opposite end was a gentlemen looking to be about George's age.

He had a stern yet soft looking neutral expression. Not the most welcoming. Still cute in our little George's eyes. The man had dark eyes that oddly sparkled in the light of Starbucks. His brownish-black hair complimented his eyes well. Short on the sides, longer on the top in almost-curls. And that jawline? George is basically drooling.

The mysteriously handsome man looked up from his book. Fuck, fuck, fuck. George looked at his hot drink and prayed to GOD the man didn't see him staring.

Feeling his eyes finally leave George, he looked back up, a little more subtle this time.

...He's reading something? Conversation starter?...

George took a deep breath and made his way over to the table. "What're you reading?" George asked. The man's eyes traveled up before the rest of his head followed. "Kite Runner." He spoke low. 

George for some reason took his casual response as an invitation to sit down and join the other man. "I'm George Luz." He smiled. The man across from George furrowed his eyebrows in minor confusion and looked George up and down. "Joe Toye." He responded monotone.

George sipped his hot beverage and scrunched his face letting out a small huff. "Still too hot." He earned a soft chuckle from Joe and a small grin.

The coffee shop began to get more crowded. Some people in need of a source of warmth and others for actual coffee. It was business people, people meeting up with friends or significant others, and the elderly.

There was an older man holding a hot cocoa close to his chest and keeping his balance with the assistance of his cane. His hands were shaky and he was looking around for a seat but faced George' same problem. There were none.

Joe signaled George to get up as he did the motion himself. Both of them on their feet now, Joe gestured to older man over. "Take a seat here sir." He stated.

George pulled his chair open for the older man as he sat. Joe apparently is quite the gentleman. Not many people would willingly give up their seat.

Now they both lacked a place to sit.

"Where to now?" George looked at the taller man. After a moment of silence between them, it dawned on George that they aren't friends. Simply two strangers who just sparked random conversation.

Joe looked at the smaller man. "There's a second hand book store, we can sit in there and talk I guess?" He remarked. George wiped any doubt or second guessing from his mind and nodded.

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