Deception of Materialism by Rennie Renato O. Papa II (January 4 2012)

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Wear those jewels that shine even at night,

With fake smiles to capture the hearts of many

To see oneself under the brightest light

All covered with glitter and gold, admired by many

The lightest words to turn the heads of all

But who would have guessed that it is a weapon to deceive?

Create a new order that someday shall fall

This is the life they’ve chosen- the curse they shall receive.

Money, fame and everything that man desire

Are the reason for their existence, their own deity.

Maybe punishable by the hell’s fire;

And maybe the only plague to society.

Uplifting oneself while others fall to your heart’s content

Deceived by these ideations- the wish to become a new god

When shall you see the need for you to repent?

Have you lost your way, don’t tell me you’re mad.

Pointless, you lost your grip to reality

This is a sorry sight for you worthless fool

Somehow you’ve chosen your own frailty

And guess what, you, my friend is the devil’s tool.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2012 ⏰

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