Hayley is once again halted from an answer by her dad, "She's busy."

The entire table stills. I hear a, "Here we go," mumbled with humor from the blonde guy Hunter introduced us to as his cousin Austin.

Hayley slowly places her fork on her plate, food forgotten, as she sits straighter in her chair, "Oh really dad? Doing what exactly?"

"Helping your mom and Aunt Megan with their errands," he says placing his own utensils down as well.

This causes Mrs. Hanes to jump in, "I never said we needed help. We're only restocking our pantries and dropping off some things around the pack neighborhood."

Alpha Hanes whips his head in her direction resembling a kicked puppy. As if her going against him was a crime. I'd be outright laughing at that if she didn't give Hayley an out to go with Grayson.

"Is that so?" he questions his wife, she gives him a saucy wink knowing she thwarted his effort to keep Hayley from her surf lessons. Not one to easily give up it seems, he tries again, "Well then, I guess that works out so she can help me."

"Help you with what, dad?" Hayley asks, clearly irritated by her interfering father. I'm loving it. Not only is Alpha Hanes doing the dirty work of keeping Grayson from my mate, but the fire he's igniting in his daughter is fascinating to watch.

"We're building a couple more houses on the land we cleared to the west of here. You can help us get the frame work up."

Hunter shakes his head in silent laughter mumbling, "Oh dad, you never learn."

Hayley places her hands on the table and leans forward, "You want me to help on the job site? The same one you have the newer members of your crew working so they can get used to the building process and way you run things. The guys you always practically burn with your eyes when they come into the office to pick their paychecks up from me."

That little fact has me tense again, and it's evidently something Alpha Hanes overlooked when coming up with this idea on the fly. He falters a little but glances at Grayson, probably figuring having Hayley under his watchful eye is better than letting her be alone with an unmated twenty-two year old male.

"Yeah, I could definitely use your help. We've got long days ahead of us and an extra hand will go a long way to getting things done quicker."

A silent stare off ensues, I notice the varying faces of amusement around the table but no one is shocked by it. Clearly this is something that happens often.

A wicked smile spreads across Hayleys face causing her dad to frown. "Okay. I mean, if you need my help, how can I argue right?"

She turns to Grayson, "Sorry Gray, raincheck?"

"Definitely!" He replies happily.

Alpha Hanes whispers to his wife, "That was too easy. She didn't even argue with me."

Hayley and Sam have their heads together whispering. I have a feeling that's not a good thing. Everyone around the table resumes their conversations but I tune into the Alpha and Luna.

"Oh babe, I'm glad you think that because by the looks of those two and their little huddle, this weekend is going to be anything but easy for you." Mrs. Hanes tells him.

He eyes his daughter, "Why? I'll keep her so busy lugging wood and hammering nails she'll be too tired to have any time to spare even having a conversation with that boy."

"It's not a conversation with Grayson you should be worrying about, but the fact that you just suggested your seventeen year old beauty 'help out' at your job site full of eighteen and older unmated males."

"My guys know she's off limits. Most of them have known her since she was little. It won't be a problem," he says confidently.

Mrs. Hanes shakes her head, "You still have so much to learn babe. I have no doubt their respect for you as their boss and Alpha will keep them in line, however, the distraction that is your daughter is where the problem lies. How many of those boys do you think will be concentrating on the build instead of Hayley strutting around lugging wood and hammering nails? That's like every guys fantasy!"

Alpha Hanes pales as the image she just described has me at half mast. If that's the reaction I get just picturing Hayley, I can only imagine what the guys will have actually seeing her. The only thing stopping me from protesting this whole idea is knowing I'll be one of those guys on the job.

"Damn it! How does she always have the ability to get the upper hand on me?" He grumbles.

Mrs. Hanes caresses his cheek and teases, "She's half of me, do you really have to ask?"

He smiles lovingly at her before kissing her forehead and saying, "Right, dumb question."

The love they share is something I hoped to have one day. "They're adorable. I'd like to think we'll be that way someday," Jeanette says as she leans into me.

It's wishful thinking on her part. No matter the love we have for each other, it's nothing compared to the love of a fated mate. I look over at mine and see her laugh at something Sam says. It's a sound I want to hear over and over again.

It strengthens my resolve to do what I have to. I hide my discomfort as Jeanette nuzzles into my side. I promised Hayley I'd fix this and I will but it won't be easy. I promised Jeanette I'd protect her and I will, just not at the expense of my mate.

I feel like kicking my own ass right now. If I'd thought about my options before impulsively tying myself to Jeanette this would have been avoided, but there's no use worrying about the could or would have's.

From what I've seen so far of Hayley, she's independent, strong, smart, and has a mean stubborn streak. She's decided she's done with me, but I'm nowhere near done with her. Something she'll soon find out.

First things first is figuring out a way to keep Jeanette safe once our bond is broken. In order to do that, I'll need to speak with my new Alpha and explain the situation.

It's not going to be pretty, especially when he realizes the pain I caused Hayley. I'm surprised he didn't already tear my throat out. I can only assume it's because he doesn't know what went down last night.

I guess I'm the unlucky guy that gets to fill him in.

Not gonna lie, just the thought scares the shit out of me, but if it means it'll bring me one step closer to a future with Hayley I'll walk through the fiery pits of hell if I have to.

She's worth it.

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