Can't get you out my mind

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Mr valderrama has been in my head all day. His a teacher like these things aren't meant to happen right...right?

I'm in math, the worst subject. It's so hard and my teacher hates me so I pretty much get sent out all the time.

"Miss Lovato, out side now"

What did I do now? I ask but to be honest I didn't even want the answer.

" your out of it your not listening just get out of my class"

I huff and grab all my things and shove them in my bag and walk out flicking my teacher off.

Wilmers pov~

I'm not daring to leave my class because I have know idea where anything is.

I hear a knock on the door and turn around to see a very hot woman which looks to be a teacher.

'Hi I'm evelyn but you can call me evie'.

Hi I'm Wilmer, the new spanish teacher.

'Nice to meet you wilmer, I hope you've settled in well'.

My reply was late because I got distracted by her boobs, there's no way there real. 'Erm er yeah iv settled in, my first class Is after lunch can't wait to meet the kids'.

'I'm sure they will love you well not love you but like you' and with that she walked away.

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