Skin Hunger

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They had only been a couple for a few days when Eddy realized Brett was touch starved. It surprised him. He looked back at their long friendship to see if there were any signs that he had missed at the time but could recognize now with the power of hindsight. He couldn't think of any. Since they got together Brett had gone from almost never touching him to "accidentally" touching him whenever they were in close proximity. A brief hand on his back, a light shoulder bump, the barest whisper of skin to skin when their fingers met. Brett tried to play it cool every time he did it, never drawing attention to his movements, never letting his touch linger for more than a fraction of a second. His only tell was a light blush a few moments before he acted. Like had to work up the courage to touch Eddy and was still really nervous about it. Eddy took pride in being a good boyfriend and having a partner who was starved for affection was unacceptable. To Eddy Brett was literally the best thing that ever happened in his life and if he could give him the world it still wouldn't come close to what Brett had given him so the least he could was treasure and spoil him until he was completely filled with love. He decided that next time he felt a ghost touch he would give Brett a big hug. 

The first opportunity he got was when Brett gave him a shoulder bump right after they finished shooting a video. Thanks to the telltale blush Eddy was prepared and without missing a beat he turned around and pulled Brett into a hug. He could feel his boyfriend tense up and the parts of his face that Eddy could see, his ear and cheek, were bright red. For a second he worried that it was too much but he knew Brett well enough to know that some things couldn't be explained to him in words, they had to be demonstrated, so he stubbornly hung on tight. After an eternity, Brett finally wrapped his arms around Eddy. "Thanks man" he whispered, "I really needed that." Eddy gave him an extra squeeze. "Anytime. It's one of the best perks of a relationship that you don't have to go through a single day un-hugged." Brett laughed but he buried deeper into their hug and they stayed like that for a long time.

Brett was a really talented guy and he only had to see a new technique once before being able to integrate it into his own repertoire. This meant that there were no more ghost touches. Instead he felt bold enough to touch Eddy openly whenever he was in reach and even ambushed him regularly for hugs. His favorites were long hugs while pressing Eddy against a wall, every part of their bodies touching, and kissing Eddy at the base of his neck  to make violin hickeys. Eddy never refused any of it, he enjoyed the contact and felt proud that his boyfriend was confident and secure enough to take whatever he needed.  

They were at home, sitting on the couch, about to watch a new anime that had been recommended by their fans for reviewing (aka roasting). Brett was lazily running his fingers over Eddy's hand and wrist, carefully avoiding the ticklish spots, when Eddy asked, "Do you want to cuddle?" and lifted his arm. Brett nodded and moved in. "I'm sorry" Brett said, "I think I might be addicted to touching you. It must be annoying, but I can't help it. There's like this pressure inside me that keeps pushing me to do it and it's never enough." Eddy shook his head, "No, don't ever think that. It's not annoying at all, more like the opposite." and he kissed Brett on the nose to show him how much he liked it. "Besides, all people need physical contact, it's called skin hunger and it's very natural. I think in your case it feels more urgent because you've never really acted on this need and you've ended up with a deficit." Brett was quiet for a moment, thinking over what Eddy just said. "I didn't know something like that existed, but it fits. I feel like I'm really hungry all the time." Eddy nodded. "Regularly feeding your skin hunger will probably even you out and luckily your loving boyfriend likes nothing better than being touched by you so feel free to hug me as much as you need. Or if you feel like cuddling we can just go to the nearest couch... or bed." Eddy blushed a bit when he said bed because they were taking things slow and they hadn't gone past kissing yet, but he really liked the idea of cuddling in bed and he wanted to throw it out there. He snuck a glance at Brett to check his reaction to the bed comment and saw his love staring at him. "you're a genius!" Brett said. Smiling shyly, Eddy felt very pleased with the result of his gamble.  

An hour later the anime ended but Eddy couldn't remember a single scene. While they were cuddling Brett's fingers somehow ended up under his shirt, and when he felt them playing with the small trail of hair that ran down from his navel every thought Eddy had ever had in his life fell out of his head. Brett turned the tv off, got up and walked to the bedroom. "You coming?" he asked without looking back. Eddy gulped. With butterflies going crazy in his stomach he followed his boyfriend to the bedroom. When he arrived Brett was standing next to the bed, looking intense but calm before catching Eddy between his arms and lightly rubbing their noses together. Eddy could feel his heart settle and all his anxiety just drained away. Hands lifted the hem of his shirt but then he squealed because they tickled his sides. The guys both laughed, the tension broken. Brett tried again to take Eddy's shirt off and this time he managed it without tickling. He stepped back and made a semi bow at the bed. Eddy could feel his face heating up again but got into the bed. His eyes couldn't help but drink in the sight of Brett taking off his own shirt and when his love crawled into bed with him he may or may not have softly moaned. Brett wrapped his arms around Eddy and intertwined their legs, their bare torsos  were pressed tightly against each other. He pressed his lips against Eddy's neck and shuddered. "I knew it" Brett whispered "I figured that if I'm hungry for skin contact skin to skin would probably have the strongest effect, and I was right. The pressure is gone now." Eddy could feel Brett's body relaxing. "It feels so peaceful. Like someone was constantly yelling at me, and now they stopped." Brett sighed. "Is it ok if we stay like this for a while?" he asked, sounding so small that Eddy suddenly felt very protective of him. "Of course, love. We can stay like this as long as you want. We have all the time in the world." Brett wiggled a bit to get a more comfortable position, relaxed again, murmured something that sounded like I love you and slowly drifted of to sleep. 

Eddy stayed awake, listening to Brett's heartbeat and full to bursting with an emotion he couldn't name. He knew Brett as an unstoppable force, both talented and hardworking, but somehow before they fell in love he'd never realized how cute and lovable his boyfriend could be. This new journey that they were undertaking together had already filled his heart and soul in ways he'd never expected and he couldn't wait for all the other new things they would discover about each other along the way. He softly kissed Brett on the head, careful not to wake him and whispered "I love you too". Their future had never looked brighter.

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