Woman on the Fire Escape

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Okay so this is my first story to upload on Wattpad, so i hope you like it.


She is there every day, just doing her daily routine, but today she lingers longer. No more clothes to hang than usual just the same old amount, so why is she still here. Mrs. Annabelle Parker is her name: nothing to extraordinary about it. She lives with her husband and two sons. She has the same routine for every day. She wakes up, makes breakfast, cleans the dishes, sweeps the floor, does the laundry, makes a snack for her sons, cooks dinner, cleans up dinner, and goes to bed to repeat it all over again. So why today is she still standing there? Her sons should be home in the next hour or so and yet she has not prepared even an apple for them. Has a relative died or her kids are failing in school or maybe she is getting a divorce and she cannot believe that it is happening; I must go over to see.

I wander over and knock on the door and get no answer, so I knock again. I get the same result. I twist the old-fashioned knob and it is unlocked. I let myself in, knowing she is home, and go to find her. I look in past the granite counters and mahogany cabinets, till finally I come to the family room and see her long figure silhouetted on the long window. I saunter up and see her staring off into the sky. As to not frighten her I softly knock on the window to get her attention. She is startled by the knock and quickly turns around. She sees me and smiles then opens the window and says, "Mr. Bates what brings you over to my home?" In response I said, "Well, I was sitting in my dining room and I noticed you were still out here and not even hanging up laundry. So I was curious to why you were not following your usual routine." "Ah, so you were spying on me," she said with a playful tone, "well if you must know I was admiring the birds, Mr. Bates." "And why would you do that Mrs. Parker, for daydreaming is such a childish thing to do," I ask. "These birds can fly where ever they want, no routine to follow, no responsibilities, so much I want to be like these birds and fly free." Her face then saddened and she re-entered the home. She went to the kitchen and went to the fridge; I followed. "Well like you said Mr. Bates, daydreaming is for children. Can I get you I quick snack?"

The End

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