Project Z

172 13 4

Warnings: None

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Why would they target someone like Tenma? If it is for revenge, it makes no sense. Or does it? 

Moreover, why would they kidnap him in a way all Japan would be aware of it?

"Coach Endou, we found something," Kirino shouts, running to the ex-goalkeeper and the midfielder.

"Shinsou Nakajima." The pink-haired defender says once he acquires both their attention. 

"Who is that Kirino?" Endou asks in a serious voice.

"He's the captain of Revolve," Kirino informs them closing his eyes as they all gasp at hearing the name.

"Years ago, he disappeared along with eleven other soccer players around the world on the same day. He was reported missing and the case was investigated on. But they never really connected the dots that those disappearances may be somewhat connected until an investigator thought of doing so," Sangoku continues for him.

"She thought it was a bit strange for eleven soccer players to disappear on the same day and at the same time but she was ignored because her theory was ridiculous. No one would believe eleven children disappearing around the world would be connected. But she persisted and continued her investigation travelling around and asking information from those who knew the missing players," Kirino articulates, "And she disappeared too."

"How do you know all this?" Kurama asks the two.

"We found her webpage. She has been updating it since she gave herself the mission of finding out what happened to those children. But when she stopped, people assumed she was dead. Until a family member of hers found her journal and on the last page, she wrote Help in a hurried way." Sangoku replies.

"We found this out thanks to an old news report while searching up her name. Turns out her family is quite famous." Shindou concludes and they let the information slip into their minds.

Everyone is overwhelmed by the number of things the three just told them. They were not expecting their captain's disappearance to be involved in such a thing. But that did not shake their resolve. They have a lead now and they intend on following it.

Endou is really proud to be the coach of this team. They did in a few weeks what the police hadn't been able to do in two months.

They all want to start their research immediately but Endou won't allow them to do that. They need to rest. He knows about all their restless nights thinking about missing captain.



Why is everything white?

Oh, there is someone there. But the image is so blurry he wonders whether it's reality or his imagination. He can't hear what they're saying but he doesn't care. He doesn't want to be there.

He wants to go back to the beautiful and warm place he was in before.

There it is again. The pain. 

That has been the only thing he's been feeling since he has been there. He doesn't remember how long. Every time the pain felt more intense than the last. 

"Why isn't it working?" He hears despite the pain. 

"It seems even if he isn't aware, his spirit is fighting back sir," a second voice says.

"I see..."

He doesn't hear more but he feels the pain go away slightly. His body is still shaky from the earlier session.


When they get to school, the bus is already outside and they see their coach talking to the principal. (1)

He then turns around them and says out loud: "Guys, get yourselves into the bus. We're going to leave in the next few minutes."

Heeding to his words, they all enter into the bus greeting themselves silently as they enter.

The driver enters after Endou and they start going under the watchful gaze of their schoolmates looking at them with hopeful eyes.

They stop at Teikoku Academy to pick Kidou and Kazemaru. The two don't say a word. They enter and sit next to Endou.

Shindou notices Kidou handing a tablet to Endou, who starts reading whatever is written on it. When he sees the man put the object down and take a deep breath, he looks outside the window and notices Tsurugi's reflection. He looks at the navy-haired and frowns.

The teen looks worse every day. His bags darkened. His complexion is paler. And he looks malnourished.

Shindou can almost guess the thoughts that haunt him: They took him in front of me. I was the closest to him. I could have saved him  

He is so fragile in this period. Then, he sees Shindou looking at him and he flinches away.

'Where are they going exactly?' They think as they see the driver enter the highway. Before they left, Endou hadn't told them where they were going but they trust him so they say nothing.

They arrive in front of a big Japanese style mansion and Endou tells Shindou and Kirino to wake everyone up. After doing that, they all get off the bus and Kidou presses the bell.

Immediately, the gate opens and waiting for them is a black-haired butler. He bows and says: "Welcome gentlemen, we were expecting you."

Kidou returned the gesture and the man indicates to follow him.

He walks them through the garden and opens the door for them. And another butler greets them and says: "Welcome, Fujisaki-sama was expecting you,"

The first butler leads the teens to a room and the adults follow the second butler who knocks on a door and a deep voice says: "Come in."


Shindou is in deep thought when the black-haired butler gestures at the teens to follow him. He thought they are going to meet the master of the house but is surprised when he sees a traditional dining room.

"Master wants you to be well fed before he sees you. You must have had quite the long journey to come all the way here," he says and they all gape at the feast in front of them.

They don't want to be disrespectful so they decide to eat. Tsurugi is the only one looking at the food like it was poison, his thoughts clear in his eyes.

"You not eating is not going to help anyone," Shindou calls out suddenly making everyone wonder who he was talking to. Tsurugi understood and the scowl on his face deepens. He picks up his chopsticks and starts eating slowly.

The butler then comes back to the dining room and says: "Once you're done, please, follow me. Master would like to see you."

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That's it for another chapter guys. The real fun begins from the next chapter. (Well, fun for me)

(1) They have a new principal. Got rid of the previous one. He pissed me off too much

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