Lesson 1: You With A Real One Now

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Lesson 1: You With A Real One Now


Mr. Ginot

So much for my summer vacation, it's right back to campus. On the bright side Mr. Sarota made the decision to come back to help out. Why were there so many students that needed to attend summer school? A lot of them I recognized, did I do a bad job teaching? Damn.

"Oh God, where's Mr. Sarota?" One female asked as she stopped and stared at me. She was a student I didn't have last year so I was a little confused. She was cute too.

"Which student are you? Mr. Sarota has a new room." I said keeping my eyes locked on her.

"I'm Chanelle. This is stupid, I have a party I'm supposed to be at." She groaned taking a seat in one of the desks.

"Should have gotten better grades. You think I wanna be here? Fuck no, I could be doin' GentleThug things right about now." I said rubbing the stubble on my chin.

"I'm glad I'm back- Oh Fuck Me." Another female said. She took another step inside and I smiled at her.

"Aye Mariah." I said shifting from a smile to a smirk that had her weak. "Have a seat, we got a few more students we need to wait for." She continued to her seat and a blonde was behind her. "You are?"

"Auburn." She said sitting next to Mariah. I chuckled at how nervous Mariah looked sitting in her seat. She was antsy and I could tell by how she shook her crossed legs. "So this isn't Mr.-"

"I'll explain when everyone arrives." I leaned back in my chair, so I was leaning up against the white board. I knew Mariah was staring and I looked right back at her. That chill that ran through her, I instantly caught on to. Oh this should be a fun summer.


"Alright I'm gonna take roll real quick." I announced when it looked like my class was here. "Yvonne, Amber, London, Chanelle, Mariah, and Auburn." That didn't seem right? Why was there only six students? I could have sworn I had a full class of thirty. "Is that seriously all?"

"Yup. So a sevensome?" Mariah said and I just looked over at her with shocked eyes. "I'm game and decided to put it out there."

"Glad to know where you're head's at-"

"I know where else it could be." London said with a laugh. I honestly couldn't hold back the urge to laugh. "Just saying though." She cracked her gum and glared up at me through her delicate lashes.

"I don't fuck my students, so y'all are shit out of luck when it comes to me. Last thing I need is someone complaining about pain." I caught the look on everyone's face from the corner of my eye as I looked down at my roll sheet.

"Pain is all in the mind." Chanelle said. "At least that's what Mr. Salazarez told me."

"Mr. Corvo proved that wrong." Amber said.

"I second what Amber said. But y'all didn't have Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Corvo at one time." Mariah said. What the hell?

"I did get Mr. Jenkins though. I had a lot to play with. The inches seemed endless." Yvonne said as she set her phone down. "I could always go for another dose of him."

"I wanted some of Mr. Kingston. He looked irresistible the way he pulled off his jacket." London said pushing her hair over to one side and sitting up tall in her seat.

"But did you see the Auto teacher? Mr. Michaels looked oh so good when he wiped that sweat off his brow." Auburn said. (A/N Sage Michaels) "I swear I almost lost it when he picked up that car piece and his arms were so flexed, I thought his skin was gonna split."

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