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Joe's pov

Nick and Kev stand up, perfectly in sync, when they hear the door opening. All 4 of us walk down the stairs together. It's like my brothers are J's bodyguards, ready to beat me up if I hurt her in any way. I hate that they think she might be unsafe around me, but I don't blame them. 

"Hi J, hi Dani." I say, blushing. I avoid direct eye contact with both of them, J especially. Dani returns my greeting with a small smile, almost sympathetic, but J doesn't even say my name. "Hi." She says, no smile, no hug, no kiss. What was I expecting?

Kev goes over and hugs Danielle, who gives him a kiss in return. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. "Hey guys" J says to Nick and Kev. Then she hugs her little sister. 

Nick's face lights up when he sees J going towards him, and they hug, too. J mumbles something into Nick's ear, and he laughs a little. "I couldn't help it. Sorry." He says sarcastically. I have no idea what they're talking about. 

J's pov 

"I told you not to be mean to him" I whisper into Nick's ear as we embrace. He just laughs and replies sarcastically. Typical. I've greeted everyone by name except Joe, so I turn towards him again. Dani ushers the rest upstairs, and I smile at her, thankful.

Joe's pov 

When everyone's upstairs, J finally looks me in the eyes. "Hi Joe." She pauses. "I missed you..." She says sadly. I feel my heart break at that exact instant. I acted selfishly when I jumped to conclusions, not thinking about how she'd feel. 

"I-I missed you too." I reply, stepping closer towards her. As if on cue, I can feel tears about to run down my cheeks. Again. "And I'm sorry for everything," I continue. "I shouldn't have ran out without waiting to see what you had to say, and I'm sorry for all the other times, too. Too many to count, actually."

J's pov 

My heart actually melts when he starts to cry. It's cute, his brown eyes looking at me hopefully through his long lashes, his curly brown hair on his forehead. I'm still in love with him. I always was, and I still am. I realise I've been zoning out on what he's been saying. I bring my hand to his face and wipe one of his tears away, smiling. 

"So... yeah. I'm sorry I messed up." He finishes. "Do you forgive me?" He asks, almost scared for the reply. "Close your eyes," I say.

Joe's pov 

I do as I'm told, closing my eyes and trying to ignore the tears that slip out when I squeeze my eyes shut. She places something cold and metal in the palm of my hand. I have no idea whatsoever what it is.

 "Open your eyes!" J says. I look down at my palm and gasp. I'm holding the ring that I wanted to give J in my hand. It doesn't make sense, none of it does. "Where did you get this?" I finally say when my mouth seems to work again. "Is it the same one? Did you buy it? I thought I took it with me-" I'm on another one of my rambles when suddenly, I realise she's not replying me at all. 

She's just standing there, smiling. And then I realise, it doesn't matter. Hesitantly, I lean in closer, wanting to hold her tight. She doesn't move, just stands there and waits. I gaze into her eyes, and she lifts an eyebrow playfully. 

We're inches apart, and then I grab her chin and connect our lips. She takes me by the waist and pulls me closer until it's impossible to move closer anymore. I've missed this feeling. I deepen the kiss as happy tears fall from my eyes. 

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