Boxman looked down to their daughter with slightly furrowed brows, before soon directing that expression to the entity before him.

You shouldn't be the one to reply to that.

. . . . . .

"Fink, no! It isn't your fault...", Professor Venomous tried to respond, though his reply never escaped the dark, lonely space of his mind. He's tried to stop Shadowy, and clearly his attempts failed. What makes him think this will be any different?

Venomous slumped to the floor, continuing to watch the scene.

You feel powerless not being able to protect the ones you love.

. . . . . .

"That's right, you little r-", Shadowy Venomous started confidently, before quickly forcing a hand to the side of his face, letting out a growl as the hand clenched his hair. Feeling Venomous let his guard down, he gave a small chuckle.

". . . You can't stop what has already begun. Your poor little 'Venomous' has already given up, so you should too.", Shadowy stated with a grin. So sure of himself that the professor would never be coming back.

However, he confirmed that Venomous was there. He could hear Boxman and Fink asking, hoping for him to come back to them. That growl... Did it mean their pleas were working?

Boxman made a small, respectful gesture for Fink to stay where she stood, before taking a few, dangerous steps closer toward Shadowy Venomous, not addressing the entity at all when he talked.

"Venomous, I know it might've been hard for without powers. But, trust me, you can be so much better without them!"

You miss him, and he needs to know that. He needs to know just how much you appreciate him.


Professor Venomous took in Boxman's words, though they sounded familiar to what someone else would have said to him in the past. It might have been because he's already heard it, but for some reason, those words were so much more important to him than they usually were.

You miss him, too. You miss him so much.


Shadowy had let out another another hiss, aware of Venomous' responses. However, the entity had made any movement. So Boxman was the one who moved closer, reaching out his hands to touch Shadowy's.

"I— Hah, I don't know if I've said this enough for you to believe me. But I love you."

You wanted him to hear that, to hear that you loved him.

. . . .

"I love you too...", Venomous confessed, smiling fondly as he heard Boxman.

You wanted him to hear that, to hear that you loved him. But it's a shame that you're stuck here. He may never be able to hear that.


Shadowy Figure felt that the body was compromised. Why is Boxman still this close to his vessel? Venomous was beginning to become sentimental. Starting to gain hope. Obviously, he couldn't let that happen.


Professor Venomous , continued to look out to Boxman. Despite not controlling the body, he was able to feel Boxman's comforting touch. However, soon he also felt the sensation of one arm being used by Shadowy. For power.

You feel a sense of calmness fading away.


Suddenly, Shadowy Venomous made a large swipe at the at the engineer, streaking Boxman's chest with large, darkened purple slash marks. That darkened color had soon faded, however, instead leaving shades of scarlet dripping down his shirt. Boxman then fell backwards.

As the clawed hand had pulled back to him, Shadowy— no, Venomous, was able to smell the scent of metal within his palm.


N o .

Nonononono, this can't be happening.

This egregious act had came to a negative effect for Shadowy Venomous. Instead of Shadowy breaking Venomous' hope, Professor Venomous had immediately snapped out of
Finally free from his mind, Venomous immediately rushed to grab hold of Boxman.

". . . H-Hey, Ven. You're back!... I.. hah... I hope it was worth it.-", Lord Boxman concluded, attempting to muster a smile on his face.

I lost sight in your arms tonight. But it was fine, he appreciated that Venomous's face was the last he was able to see.

Soon, his breath started to hitch.

"No. C'mon, Boxy. You're stronger than this.", Venomous protested, beginning to hyperventilate. "I-I'm sorry. But you can't— You can't leave me, leave us. Not now. . ."

No reply was heard. Not a s i n g l e response was given.

Professor Venomous gave a long stare toward Boxman's face, watching the light from their robotic eye slowly fade away. Bubbles of tears formed in the professor's eyes, soon traveling down his face. Finally, he gave a warm embrace to the fallen villain, feeling as Boxman had soon grown cold. He began to sob, tears staining the other's white clothing.

"I'm sorry. I'm so... so sorry..."


ahahahaaa did someone order a voxman angst deluxe?
oh— no one?— ah—
welp, i prepared it anyways, might as well take it lsnfkgngkgnn

I've been thinking about making a follow-up to this, no spoilers or anything— But, like the last drabble, lemme know what you think! Thanks for reading.

P.S.: Another song that works good for this type of angst might be "A Sadness Runs Through Him."

P.P.S.: after proofreading and editing, jesus f u c k why did i have to write this. i'm sad now.

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