Chapter Seven - The Return of The Bullies

Start from the beginning

"You don't know when to shut up, do you now because of your mouths were going to lose the club's sunshine. Think over what you have done, and fix it because if not then say goodbye to the funds boys." I warn them and I walked over to my laptop and begin working on the club's finances and putting on my headphones so I can focus.

(Kyoya P.O.V)

"Kyo-chan why did those girls hurt Ro-chan, she did nothing to them right?" Honey asked and the others look at me, I sighed and took a deep breath. "In me and Tamaki's first year of High School, Rose was unknowingly transferred to Lobelia but at that school she was bullied by two of the three people we met just now. One of them already graduated so I don't know who she was, remember at the party when that boy came in and she argued with him. Well he was hired by one of them to kill her, but we know how that went, and right now she's trying to protect Haruhi from the pain she went through." I explain and they were shocked and they looked at Rose, who was working hard to make sure ends meet. "She's been through alot has she?" Mori speaks up and I nod. "I hope the wedding might make things better, but I don't know if she'll make it before then." I mutter and the others don't speak, club ended and we went to a cafe near the estate before heading home.

"Are you okay?" I question the girl in front of me, she looks at me and she doesn't answer. "Are we going to lose Haru?" She asks and I noticed she gave Haruhi a nickname, I look at her and she knew I didn't have an answer. "Can I stay home tomorrow, after today I don't think I can return tomorrow." She asks me and I nod, she thanks me and I hum focusing on an article on my phone. "Just make sure you don't answer the door, unless it's one of my siblings or my parents do not answer the door and stay in our room." I tell her and she hummed, she knew I was worried about her safety without me around. When we got home, she went straight to bed and she didn't even bother trying to do her homework she was tired, it made sense though her past came after her and she tried to fight it so I let her be.

(Your P.O.V)

When I woke up, the sun was rising and then I realized, it was the next day and Kyoya was not there. "That's right, I told him I was staying home." I remember muttering to myself, I walked to our door handle and saw he had locked it and I smiled at his sincerity, I head straight to the bathroom for a relaxing soak something I rarely ever do. While I was in the bath my phone rang, luckily I brought it in and saw it was a number I didn't recognize so I don't answer it. But it calls again, and again, and again and I don't answer the call number and stay away from my phone, only for it to keep ringing. "Stop ringing... please stop..." I muttered and pleaded but it failed to hear it, my head was starting to hurt from the constant ringing so I walked over and grabbed the phone and silenced it, but I watched it keep ringing with the exact same number.

"Kyo please hurry home..." I pleaded, hoping someone heard me but none did. I thought about a way to contact Kyoya, then I simply decided to create a video call and he should answer. I pull up skype and called him, and to my surprise he did answer but he was not looking like himself. "Hello love what's up, how come you're not calling me on your phone?" He asked while wiping away makeup. "An unknown number keeps calling me, right now the number is still calling and I don't want to take the chance of answering it." I explained and he looked at me, his face was cold but his eyes were filled with worry. "Alright that makes sense, now you're wondering why I'm dressed as a girl. Well this is what Tamaki decided to do and I followed along, thought the makeup is dreadful to get off, how the hell do you wear this stuff?" He asked complaining and I giggled at his silliness. "Why do you think I rarely wear it, I only wear it when there's a party and I have to look my best. I can teach you how I take it off, but I can't help you until you get home and by then you'll have it removed." I told him and he nodded, and he fixed his glasses and smiled at me. "I'll be home soon, once I get the makeup off and I get out of this getup I'll head home okay?" He asks and I nod, he sighed after hearing Tamaki shouting for him, he said goodbye as did I and the call ended. I checked my phone and the unknown number is still calling, so I gave up and threw the phone outside and I was happy.

Sometime later Kyoya came home and he asked for my phone, when I told him it was outside he was about to head there but then BOOM!! It exploded and Kyoya was able to block any glass coming my way, but luckily he didn't get hurt. "So glad I didn't answer the phone then...?" I muttered questionably and he checked me over before his family ran in here, they were confused about what happened and I explained to them what happened. "Oh my goodness, well I'm glad you're alright Rose." Mr. Ootori says and leaves, grumbles about repair costs and I felt bad. "Sorry everyone..." I mumble and they all leave, even Kyoya left to deal with his Father.

(Kyoya P.O.V)

I followed my Father after he left, I could tell he was returning to his old personality but still losing his memories. When I got to his study I closed the door, and he swift kick me causing me to fall down onto the ground. "I'm sick and tired of her, I'm also tired with your incompetence, so after the wedding you two are hereby banned from returning here. We have a smaller mansion for you two to stay at, have your things packed by then, now get out of my sight." He demanded and so I got up, and walked out of the room and went to ours. "Rose we have to-" "I heard from here, I've already begun packing my things. I'll get yours soon once I'm done with mine, I already know what the second mansion is, best be prepared for it love." She says softly, she felt bad about this and I could tell that she was. "I can handle my own things dear. You don't need to do that for me, besides I have a feeling Fuyumi will want to do that." I reassure her but she was still packing my things, I left her be and decided to do some work for the club. "I wonder... did he ever care about our happiness...?" She muttered and kept her eyes and hands focused on the clothing articles, I knew she will be acting like this but for how long is the question?

Authors opinion: Good day everyone, or what time it is for you. In this chapter it's somewhat based on the episode with the girls from Lobelia and that's who bullied Rose and hired Damon to kidnap her, this will be explored more in a far later chapter so I'll leave you guys to theorize and until the next time bye

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