The Sorting

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The first years listened intently as Professor McGonagall explained how the sorting ceremony would take place.

Nobody dared make a sound before the first name was called, but as soon as the first child was called and placed, a boom of cheers could be heard throughout the whole castle.

Ivory stood patiently, waiting for Professor McGonagall to call her name.

"Lupin, Remus!" The sorting hat took a few seconds as he contemplated the scarred and ragged boy's fate. Ivory thought he looked... Interesting... That seemed to be the only word that popped into her mind as she studied him.


Again, more cheers. Ivory was certain she would have a headache by the time the night was over.

More and more names were called, every child left to be sorted grew more and more anxious. They all just wanted to be accepted. They wanted to fit in.

"Peys, Ivory!" The young girl felt her heart leap into her throat. She slowly made her way up to the stool, each step caused her dread to grow more and more.

She sat very still as the stern looking professor placed the sorting hat upon her head. It was so big, it fell down past her eyes.

"Well hello there, Princess. Every house would benefit you greatly. So which shall we choose? Your father was a Slytherin, do you want to follow in your father's footsteps?" The sorting hat was having extreme difficulties placing the girl. Everyone around was beginning to think it would become a hat stall.

"I don't know my father..."

"If you are anything like your mother, you don't want to. So that narrows it down to three houses... Loyal as can be, bravery yet to be seen, do you think intelligence is key? Better be..."

The princess had not even finished one day at Hogwarts and had already drawn unwanted attention to herself. She didn't want people to know what she was. It was dangerous... But of course, she became a hat stall.


Ivory let out a sigh of relief. The hat was removed from her head and everyone stared at her in shock. Slowly the gryffindor table began clapping, proud to have the hatstall become a member of their team.

She was welcomed with high-fives and handshakes. She introduced herself to the people around her before turning and watching the rest of the sorting.

So many funny, sweet looking, and dodgy characters. How everyone was supposed to live together for the majority of the year was beyond her. She was still looking forward to it though.

The sorting shortly came to an end. The Headmaster stood up.

"Welcome to and welcome back to Hogwarts. I have some announcements to make before the feast..." He went on about the forest being forbidden and trinkets and suck that were banned from Hogwarts.

"I must say, I am very excited for what this year will hold for us. Now, let the feast... Begin!"

The tables filled to the brim with all different sorts of food. Ivory honestly had no idea what most of it was since her diet consisted of fish, seaweed, coral, and whatever else the servants found hiding in the Black Lake.

She grabbed anything that looked familiar before branching out and trying things that just looked appealing. She learned she loved potatoes more than anything else.

As she ate, she talked to a pretty red headed witch, Lily Evans. They were both very excited to start classes the next day. Both of them had been studying from the moment they got their school books.

She also spoke to a girl named Mary MacDonald. She seemed sweet enough. The three of them shared a few laughs while they ate. Speaking of nothing and everything at the same time.

Lily nearly jumped out of her seat when ghosts started popping out of seemingly nowhere. Ivory and Mary just laughed.

Sweets soon filled the table and the moment Ivory tried the vanilla pudding, she knew, she was in love. It was the most delicious thing she had ever tried in her life. She had never had sweets before that night, so it would be a miracle if she would sleep a wink that night.

And almost as fast as it had started, the feast came to an end. Prefects led the young food filled first years to their common rooms. It seemed that every child in the castle was contempt.

Hundreds of tricky stairs later, they had finally made it to the Gryffindor tower.

"Polly Flies"

The fat lady's portrait swung open to reveal the most calming, beautiful sight known to man. A huge fireplace stood in the middle of the common room, sofas and tables surrounding it. Blankets and pillows strewn about the place. Shelves upon shelves of books and prideful decor.

Ivory knew, this was home.

She and her newfound friends made their way upstairs and into the first year girl's dormitory. Yet again, faced with homely vibes. Huge four poster beds with scarlet red drapings faced them. Each bed had someone's luggage next to it. Ivory claimed her bed by the window. Lily and Mary collapsed into their beds along with a girl Ivory hadn't quite met yet.

"Hello, I'm Ivory. What's your name?"

"Does it matter?" The girl had jet black hair cut into a pixie style. She had fair and flawless skin. She was gorgeous. Though, her words cut like daggers. She made it very clear she wanted nothing to do with anyone in the room.

All four of the girls were so tired that they passed out instantly. Ivory had never slept in an actual bed and had not decided if she liked it more or less than floating weightlessly in the water back home.

She had felt homesick, but pushed it down. She would have to go back into the water at least once a month anyways. If she didn't spend one night a month in the water, she would grow gravely ill. It was not a risk anyone was willing to take.

The girls slept peacefully all bundled up  in their beds, so warm, and so full if hope. Dreams filled with expectation for the years to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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