Chapter 3: A Feast Fit for One

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Connor awoke with a groan, and rubbed his head. His vision was slightly blurred, but when everything came into focus he found himself in a rather dashing and fashionable dining room. Most importantly, the table in front of him. It was absolutely filled to the edges with food. Anything you could imagine beyond your wildest dreams, and it all smelled delicious. At the end of the table sat the mysterious man from the door. Before Connor could say a word, the man interrupted him. "Eat. You must be famished." Connor simply nodded in understanding. He was very hungry, he hasn't eaten in about two days. He reluctantly took a tea cake that struck his fancy and bit into it. By the gods it was real, and really delicious. His eyes widened at the rush of flavour, and began to dig into anything and everything in front of him. This went on for some time, who knew how long. Nobody was keeping track. Until the table was empty, the man spoke up again. "My name is Andreas. And I understand you are unemployed." Connor nodded and opened his mouth. "Y-y-*hic*-Yessir, I am." Andreas nodded. "Wonderful. I wish to employ you at my mansion. In return I offer warmth, shelter, and food." Connor's eyes lit up like lanterns and nodded with glee. "Oh yes please sir that is splendid!! Let me-" Connor attempted to get out of his seat to shake hands with the man but found himself planted down by his... rotund middle section. Andreas smirked at this sight and got out of his chair, and walked over to him. He placed a gentle hand on his bloated stomach and stroked a spot with his thumb slowly. "You appears to have bitten off more than you can chew. I understand, not eating for days. Please, let me show you to your quarters." With surprising ease, Andreas picked up Connor bridal style and carried him out of the room and down the various hallways. Connor held his stomach, admittedly blushing at this shocking revelation. His eyes wandered the man's face, until they met his neck. Two holes on one side. Connor's heart sank. "Y-y... your a v...vvv...." Andreas rolled his eyes. "Yes, I am a vampire. I promise I won't eat you, as I would have already if I intended to." Connor nodded... that was true. And he did need a home and sustenance desperately. "Thank you very much sir..." Connor spoke up. Andreas nodded as he was brought to a somewhat sizeable room with a bed, closet, desk, and sink in it. "This is your bedroom. I shall leave you be for the night, I bid you a good rest Connor." Andreas set him down on his bed, and left before Connor could say anything. After relaxing for a bit, Connor heaved himself up and looked in his closet for his uniform. It was... a female maid outfit. And rather small it appeared. He'd have to address it in the morning. For now, he'd have to digest all of this feast. He bid himself a goodnight and dozed off on his bed, full and cozy

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