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❝ She was beauty and she was grace. She was everything to be desired. Her smile was sweet and her eyes were bright. She was innocent, naive, and cost her dearly ❞

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Naive and innocent with a smile so sweet, it is little wonder that those who are fortunate enough to met the fourth doppelganger are immediately drawn in by her presence. Born in the seventeenth century, Lule was cursed by a witch at a young age, rendering her blood completely useless in all spells and magic. Recognizing her as a doppelganger, the visiting witch had sought to protect the girl. But neither of them knew that the curse, designed to keep her safe, would be the very thing that lead to her death.

Unaware of the supernatural world and her power as a zana e malit, Lule remained this way until a nobleman by the name of Niklaus Mikaelson came to stay with her family. Never truly trusting the man, she kept her distance from him despite his attempts to gain her trust. It was with her blood that he intended to break his hybrid curse. However dude to the spell placed over her, Lule's blood was useless and in his rage, Klaus tore her heart from her chest.

Centuries later, Lule was resurrected by Qetsyiah, who took pity on the young doppelganger despite Qetsyiah's own history with Amara. With the older witch's help, she slowly began to adjust to the new, modern world. But when Qetsyiah killed herself, Lule lost her only friend. Now alone in the world, she is just trying to survive.

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