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zach managed to drag jack to another one
of his friends parties.

the bushy haired boy promised to not take
any sort of drug while jack was there. since
he scared him so much last time he was

but obviously, he only said these things
because he knew it was what jack wanted
to hear.

in one hand was a roll of weed and in the
other was a beer can.

it pained jack to see zach like his; his eyes
red and his words slurred.

jack took his eyes off the sight and looked
around the room, seeing corbyn besson in
the corner.

oh, how much he misses the blond.

him and jack used to be friends some months
ago. but once he was wrapped in the dangerous world of christina harris, the fun loving nerd
seemed to vanish.

obviously it wasn't something corbyn did to
make their friendship fall apart. it was just
that their friend groups had changed and they
drifted from one another.

it hurt jack's heart when he saw corbyn. the
once happy boy, who was now dealing with
clinical depression and a drug addiction.

whenever anyone asked why corbyn has
stayed with the toxicity that was christina,
he would always just say that she was the
only person he had left.

which, this was true. corbyn had lost
everything because of her.

" ya know jack, that's gonna be you if you
continue hanging around zach. "

the voice next to him startled jack. the low
voice was owned by daniel seavey, a popular
boy who was invited to every party. next to
him was his boyfriend, jonah, who ever since
his mother passed, never let daniel go
anywhere alone.

" all i'm saying, is that a guy like you
doesn't belong at a party like this, next to
a guy like zach. i think it's best if you go
home. "

this made jack's eyes furrow. in the nicest
way possible, he replied with,

" thank you for your concern, but you don't
know zach like i do. "

" trust me jack, none of us know the real
zach dean yet . "

daniel has always been known as the wise
older brother; who seemed to know all of
the student body more then anyone else.

he knew everyone's secrets, even if the
person has never talked to him before. and
daniel couldn't quite figure out zach yet. but
all he knew, is that he wasn't to ever trust

" the longer you wait to leave him, the longer
it's gonna take for you to get rid of him. and if
you wait too long, you'll end up like corbyn. "

" go home, jack. run if you have to. just please
go home. "

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