Andromedus Pippin Chervinsky (The Zodiacs)

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B A S I C S:

Name: Andromedous Pippin Chervinsky
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: He doesn't really know and he doesn't really care.
Zodiac: Aquarius
Birthday: February 2nd

A P P E A R A N C E:

FC: Magnus Rasmussen
Clothing Style: Whatever he can find-- typically nice jeans, a t-shirt, and some sort of long sleeved thing. The long sleeved thing might be a sweatshirt, a flannel, or who knows what. He always has one on him.
Extra: Pretty eyes and hair

P E R S O N A L I T Y:

Personality: Andromedous is a very... interesting person. He isn't very social in the typical way, doesn't want to do any "dirty" work or work that is "below him" as he likes to say, doesn't want to deal with other people's emotions, is stuck in a dreamland of his own, and believes in his own rules and systems that no one else really understands. We'll go through the traits real fast...

-He talks to people but is always very distant and cold. He doesn't really have any friends and most people just sign him off as weird.
-Andromedous isn't particularly one to do the sweeping. He doesn't want to do things that are hard and difficult unless he is super interested, which... is reserved for his studies. So no cleaning up for him.
-He doesn't want to deal with people's emotions if he doesn't have many himself. Pretty simple. Don't spill your heart to him cause he won't understand on an emotional level.
-So, he doesn't exactly... live on the same level most people do. He's stuck in his head and thoughts most of the day, muttering and talking to himself, acting things out, or sketching/writing things that make sense to anyone but him.
-Andromedous, again, lives in his own bubble. He doesn't follow the same social rules that most people follow and will often just say whatever he wants. He doesn't care what people think of him at all. He'll follow whatever he wants whenever he wants. All in the restraints of his superiors, of course, much to his frustration though. He has his secrets though...

Strengths: Researching, not caring, coming up with ideas, writing, sketching.

Weaknesses: He has one close friend who could basically get him to do anything, he would probably do anything for a chocolate cake, he also really likes birds for some reason. Oh and he's a jerk.

Flaws: He doesn't care about anyone pretty much, he doesn't take other people's feelings into consideration, he certainly doesn't understand emotions on any other level than logical, he isn't good at following social or societal rules and norms, he's kind of... dreamy, he's weird, also he'll shut himself in his room for hours to weeks to months and not even notice life went on without him. He's weird!!!

Other: Stan my bean or else!!!

S T O R Y:

Backstory: Andromedous has three older siblings, all of who are perfectly normal and wonderful. He's always been the black sheep of his family because he's him, but they all love him very much anyways. His parents pushed him to do well, something he was eager to do anyway, just for himself. He found himself a job researching past societies when he was 18, which was lucky for him because that's exactly what he wanted to do. He met his best friend when he was eight and they've been close ever since.

Opinion on his Zodiac: Aquarius is and will forever be the best zodiac in his eyes. They have the best traits, look the best, and are generally just SUPERIOR.

Opinion on Other Zodiacs: Although a part of him will forever find the other zodiacs suspicious and bad, he feels like partial integration would be good for society. He would never voice this opinion aloud, of course, but we all know he thinks about it everyday...

Secrets: He has many... and he won't be sharing them anytime soon to anyone ;)

O T H E R:

Theme Song: ECHO

-He has one best friend. They have an interesting dynamic. It's very interesting...
-He has three older siblings who aren't super close with him. They're all pretty chill
-Both of his parents are still alive and they love him a lot. He doesn't really care, like most things
-Also this is open haha

Lovers: Soooooooo, remember when I said he had an interesting relationship with that friend of his? Well, they totally hook up all the time. So his friend thinks they're like a thing and he doesn't really think they're anything and his friend keeps trying to broach the topic but he constantly ignores it and it's a giant mess but... you know.

Extra Information: I want someone to fall in love with him thank you :)

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