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Who would have thought I'd be in an HA meeting for my daughter. I always thought that these things were for parents who didn't know what to do if they had no one else to turn to.

My daughter was only six months old when she was diagnosed.My husband and I were so scared we would loose her at the time we didn't realize something was wrong until she started getting unusual symptoms.

It felt just like yesterday that my babygirl had her first surgery it felt like a piece of my heart was being ripped out of me as they wheeled her into the operating room. Her dad and I felt helpless as she screamed for us I wanted so badly to hold her to me and tell her everything would be okay. I guess we were wrong for lying to ourselves.

Looking back I would not have changed anything even though we had some close calls with her shunts going bad or a headache that sprung from nowhere.

With our daughter having Hydrocephalus it brought our family closer than it was before. It made a lot of people we knew realize that they had to be thankful for what they had and be thankful that they didn't have to go through what we had to everyday.

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