Hearing Impaired Hottie

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Visiting my girl Princess was always a relief to my stressful life she was like the sun to my darkness and I loved that about her.

I adjusted my hearing aids for the fourth time today just incase she heard the soft but annoying beeping from them.We communicated in American Sign Language on most days or we would read each others lips if we didn't feel like actually speaking.

Our parents would get ticked off at us when we did either one it would be funny but then they would scold us for being rude.

Being a deaf kid growing up kind of sucked but growing up with Princess's family made it easier to get around in this world we live in.

As I got ready for the day I started thinking about our future together.I thought about our friendship over the years.We grew up together just doors down from eachother.

I remember the first time we met in kindergarten when she walked up to me and called me weird because of my hearing aids in retaliation I pulled off her knitted hat and called her bald. Growing up she had a spark to her that noone could bring her down.

Nevaeh and I grew up in families that were caring but not sheltering like many other families that had children with disabilities.We were lucky to go to different camps and meet others like us and there was no fear of ridicule from others or the whispers wondering about what we have.

I was born on January 6th,1997 in Canton,Texas my parents didn't realize I was deaf until I was a few months old. They didn't fuss when doctors confirmed their worries. I've been wearing my hearing aids since.

Growing up in Canton it was big so you would really know anyone unless you went to a small town school.

Getting out of my memories I hadn't realized my mom had called me over to her.I need to stop ignoring people.I walked over to her and asked what wrong in sign language she signed the word 'Princess' I got worried and rushed out the house abuptly I got into my 2013 navy blue Camry and sped to Ms.Zadifras' house in a panic.

I got out my car,locked it and took out my personal house key and stepped inside.
I looked at Ms.Zadifa and she motioned for me to come to Naveh's room she looked sick and worn out,her mahogany skin was kind of pale.

I asked what happened she explained to me after a brief moment of her crying I was mad because she wasn't supposed to get hurt we had gone through this over and over again since elementary I hated how they would tease her for being different.

I walked up to her bed and took a seat next to her and rubbed my hand in her short, soft hair she looked a mess but I knew she would get over this.

I was glad Mrs.Daniels told me everything I would see what my parents would do about the school,but for now I would stay and make sure Princess was okay.

I knew her well enough to know she's gonna want to go to school in the morning but for right now she would stay home for awhile.

I ended up in the guest room. I didn't mind this was my home away from home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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