"go enjoy your life with that hotel maid you fucked, and I'm guessing she begged you to stay, so you decided to stay and finish where you left off?" snapped Lucy, making Gray feel even more guilty. He's been searching for her for years so that he can apologize to her and possibly win her back, but his friend Natsu was about to steal his ex's heart.

Erza pulled Lucy outside and into the ambulance along with Jellal, the paramedics, and the unconscious Natsu, leaving Gray behind with Gajeel and Levy.

~At the hospital~

Lucy had to wait in the waiting room alone because Erza worked as a part- time nurse at the Magnolia hospital. A blue haired teen, and a black haired teen started to walk by, hand in hand, then sat down about 4 seats away.

"I wonder how Natsu may be.." said the worried blue haired girl "natsu?" Lucy thought "they know him?" she asked herself

"excuse me? this might be a weird question, but do you know what room a guy named Natsu Dragneel might be in?" the blue haired girl asked a passing nurse, but before she could answer, she pointed at Erza.

"wendy?" asked Erza

"Erza-san?" asked Erza "are you here for your stupid thing?" questioned Erza

"hey, my girlfriends older brother isn't a 'thing'!" yelled the boy, making Wendy sweat drop "Romeo.. don't.."

"why not Wendy? I'm obviously defending your older brother" said Romeo "hehe" chuckled the demon, a dark aura surrounding her " do you know how your reckless brother got into this state?" questioned Erza, making the two shake their heads

"You're doing exactly what he did to get into the state he is now.." Erza whispered to Romeo "s-so y-you p-p-put him I-in a c-coma..?" questioned Romeo nervously "yep, and tell your dad that I heard he got in jail, but quickly got bailed out. I'm going to have a talk with him soon" said Erza, making Romeo shiver

"you're the demon my dad always talked about!" exclaimed Romeo, but before anything bad happened Lucy stepped into their conversation

"hey Erza" said Lucy "how's Natsu doing?" Lucy asked

"you know Natsu-san?" asked Wendy "yeah.. I'm Lisa's babysitter" answered Lucy, then grinned at the teen "Natsu's awake now. Somehow he recovered quickly" said Jellal

they all walked up an escalator, passing a cafeteria with many patients and visitors along with doctors munching or sipping happily. They also went onto an elevator, and traveled 7 floors up. they walked into a long hallway, and then they finally reached room 313C. on the door it said:" Patient is: Natsu Dragneel"

They all entered the room seeing Natsu gaze outside the window, then Wendy flung herself onto the patient "Natsu! I had to travel all the way here as soon as I got the news! good thing I showed pictures of Mira and I so they drove at a fast speed, but when I showed them a picture of Mira, Erza and I they sped at full speed saying that she would be pissed if her friends or herself were late.." Wendy explained, then sighed

"geez Wendy, I'm 26, start growing up.." Natsu said, making the teen angry "Natsu, we aren't kids any more, and I can use any foul language to you now." snapped Wendy

"what the hell?! who said you could? I'm like a father to you! Romeo does she say bad things?" asked Natsu "oh yeah she does! especially when annoying retards start bugging her about her needing to talk more.." Romeo whipped out his phone and pressed play. It was a video of some girls walking up to her and calling her a slut or whore just because of the dress she wore that day

"hey whore, no guys wants to fuck you" said one girl

"you're too ugly to even be touched" yelled another girl; this made Wendy angry in the video.

"you know what?! shut the-" before Wendy could yell anything Natsu glared at Wendy then tackled her under his arm

"why you little-"

"Natsu? are you doing okay?" asked Lucy, trying not to ruin there siblings moment "oh hey Luce! come here!" Natsu patted the spot next by him and she walked up slowly to the bed, making Natsu get impatient, and grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the bed

"Natsu!" shrieked Lucy, Natsu pulling closely. her head resting at his neck while her body was resting on top of his "sshh.. you're gonna save those screams for tonight okay?" Natsu whispered, making Lucy blush a blood red. The two teens left so that they could have a moment along with Erza and Jellal. ".. Natsu, it's been 8 years since I've done it.." Lucy whsipered

"well then you better get used to it because it'll be a daily thing.." whispered Natsu "N-natsu! we aren't even dating and you're talking about having sex already?" scolded Lucy, making Natsu chuckle lightly "well then, will you be my girl? Lucy blushed at his question then looked up at him. he looked serious about it, he really wanted Lucy to be his

"..o-okay.." replied Lucy, making Natsu grab her and kiss her deeply

~The Dragneel's Residence~

"For the millionth time get the fuck away from me Gajeel!" yelled Levy, trembling in the bath tub. her knees pulled up against her chest, tear stains on her little pale face "Levy on the count to three I'm gonna break down the god damn door!" threatened Gajeel, but there was no reply. What Levy didn't know was that it was killing Gajeel deep inside that he just hurt his girlfriend's feelings- well at least ex girlfriend

"1..2..THREE!" yelled Gajeel, breaking down the bathroom door, seeing Levy, staring down at the bath tub floor. Gajeel ran towards Levy and pulled her face to see him, but she looked away "god dammit Levy McGarden! Look at me!" demanded Gajeel, making Levy turn her head slowly towards him. He could see all of the pain and sadness in her eyes.

"what do you want?" asked Levy coldly; Gajeel has never seen Levy's cold- hearted side before. She's shown her angry side, just not this side

"don't frown, you look ugly that way.." said Gajeel, making Levy push him away ".. because you're pretty when you smile.." whispered Gajeel, making Levy blush in embarrassment "I-I forgive you.." Levy put her arms around Gajeel's neck, while he smiled and scooped her up into his arms taking her home, where she belonged.

~At Room 313C~

Natsu left a warm trail of kisses all over Lucy, leaving her flushed, moaning at every touch he would make on her body, while he got turned on more and more turned on by her angelic voice. "n-natsu.. l-let's go h-home now.." said Lucy, trying to resist the feeling; Natsu smirked then lifted her up bridal style "'kay babe" they exited the hospital and drove home.

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