Gimme three steps

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The moment the door chimed and I saw who it was I instantly froze up.
I backed up until the back of my skinny jeans were practically against Lucas' table.
I prayed that Jason didn't see me but I guess my luck was out. His blood shot, cold brown eyes connected with mine and a sneer graced his lips.
Now I know I seem like someone who doesn't take crap from anyone. But this man genuinely scares me.
I finally left him last week after almost two months of mental and physical abuse. So when I just made eye contact my blood ran cold. When he got that look in his eye, I did the first thing I knew to do because I knew I couldn't fight him off of me. I crawled over Lucas' lap to the trapped side of the booth. Of course he missed this whole wordless exchange involving Jason. So when he looked up to find me already Half way over his lap, he was a little shocked. He realized real quick when Jason marched over to us, swaying a bit in the process. But still pissed enough to spit fire. Lucas tensed up beside me, and reached his arm protectively around me. His arm grazing a bruise on my rib that hasn't healed yet, thus making me flinch. In that moment he forgot about Jason and he slowly looked at me and raised my shirt up enough to see the big bruise across my ribs. I was trembling.

Slowly he dropped my shirt down over the bruise careful enough to not make it hurt worse. I could hear Jason snickering behind him. No doubt witnessing his handy work and seeing Lucas' reaction to it.
I made direct eye contact with Lucas and his eyes were scary. They turned almost storm blue and had this glint to them that I haven't seen since that fight in high school between Evan and him.
He stood up rigidly, and I gripped onto his hand hoping to god that he didn't do anything.
I stood up and he pulled me behind him.

"Wow kJ, it didn't take you long to move on did it? You little slut. And with the ol golden boy."
He slurred, his lips holding a humorless smile that was slowly turning into a very dangerous sneer.
Lucas' grip on my hand tightened.
"Watch your mouth ol boy. She's nothing of that sort. Apperantly you're just a crappy man who likes to hit girls. Is that what you are? A woman beater?"
A low growl came from Jason and he stepped forward.
"The only thing holding me back from workin you over is the fact that this is a public place and I'm not about to fight in front of an already shaken up girl. I think it's best if you just get to Steppin and find your way back to wherever the hell you crawled out of." The steel in his voice was already unmistakable. Lucas Arden was pissed and lord have mercy on that poor drunken fool who dared challenge him.

Before fists could even fly, Eddie had found his way back to stand right next to Lucas in front of me.
Make no mistake, Eddie may have had a hint of age on him at almost fifty five but he was still fit and he was tan from all the construction work he did out in the Missouri sun in his free time. In other words, Jason was very very screwed. Before fists could fly, two police officers came in, the door chiming behind them. hands already on the stun guns and cuffs.
And of course with Jason's luck, one of them was his dad.
"Son, why don't you just walk on out of here before we have to arrest you for public disturbance."
Lucas' throat cleared, "He came in here, hell bent on harassing this girl. I'm guessing that's her ex and there are also some bruises splayed across her ribs. I'm assuming from him."
Mr. Hamilton's gaze flickered to my eyes. The fear, no doubt still evident. Surprise, worry and anger filled his eyes but he remained steely.
"Jason, you have been abusing my Goddaughter?"
Jason's eyes cast themselves downwards but he remained silent. Lucas gently pulled me forward and raised up my shirt enough to show Officer Hamilton my bruises.
The Officers sucked in a big breath and turned towards Jason.
He grabbed his face under his chin and forced him to look at those bruises.
"You see this? You don't hurt or hit women. And if you think you're gonna get away with it you might as well forget that. Your momma is gonna be the first to find out, and then after that I'm going straight to her momma and daddy. Believe me, my best friend will be NONE too happy about you hurting his baby girl."
He let out a slight whimper at the mention of my pops. He's practically the scariest man in all of Layton.
"KJ, how long has this been going on for?"

I scratched the back of my neck, ashamed of my answer.

"Since about a month and a half after we got together. So about two or three months up until last week"

"Jesus Christ. Oh you're in the dog house now lil boy. Now you best get in front of me and march your butt right to my car. I'm driving you back to our house so your mom can have a happy little visit with you, and then I'm driving you over to Nate and Bethany's house so you can tell them what you have been doing to their daughter. You don't need to be driving like this anyways, as intoxicated as you are. KJ, you might not wanna miss any of this."
I nod at Officer Hamilton as he walks out the door with Jason in tow. The other officer close behind. I finally let out a breath and release lucas' hand a little bit.
Eddie turned around first, "Go ahead sweetheart, you can clock out a little early. You only have about ten minutes anyways. Sable and Jenny can cover the rest of your tables."
He moved in to give me a hug, careful not to graze my ribs. And proceeded to ruffle my hair in the process. After that he stepped back and moved towards his office, no doubt to work on the budgeting issue.
Lucas finally turned around to look at me.
His eyes blank. "Karter I know you hate me, and I'm not too fond of you either. But I'm not gonna let you see this alone. I'm going with to make sure you'll be okay. Go hang up your apron and head out to my truck. Now."
I nod and he takes my order and brings it to the back, returning with the food. He pulls out his money and leaves it on the table.
I was out the door before he even looked at me again. The cold October air biting my skin.

I opened the door to his jacked up truck and hauled my little five foot one frame into the passenger side of the cab. Slowly seating myself on the grey leather interior.
I took a moment to notice the smell. Like mechanical oil and cologne.
He pulled open his door and fluidly hauled himself inside. Starting it up in the process. The heaters already blasting lukewarm air and the radio quietly playing Needle and the spoon by Lynard Skynard. He backed out and made his way In the direction of the Hamilton house.

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