Chapter 5-School?

Start from the beginning

I felt as the anger erupted inside of me at where my thoughts were turning that I gripped the sides of my head and closed my eyes tight. J.D.'s face popped into my head and I wanted to scratch it out of my memory, but it stayed there. Words cannot express how much I hated this man. For taking me away, for turning me into some kind A person with no soul attached, no remorse for those she killed, no heart. Just hate and pain scrounging around on all of my insides, slithering it's way into my head and blood stream making me feel like I was on fire. I should have been, for everything I've done. For where my thoughts immediately turned to being alone with a childhood friend. 

I felt a hand on my wrist and I reacted quickly and snapped my head up, shifting my hands and gripping Jasmine's wrists in a hard grip, for a second thinking I was back there. A moment passed and reality hit me like a rock, my eyes widened as did Jasmine's, hers full of fear and mine, and mine just blank. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled and let go of her wrists and tried to relax my thoughts as I rubbed my temples. 

She sat down in front of me, worry in her expression. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. 

I just nodded, still trying to dial it down. 

"Sky?" She said in a small soft voice. 

I sighed and laid back against the soft pillows. Hmm. Comfy. I haven't felt something this soft in a very long time. Bringing my thoughts back to Jasmine, I knew what she was going to say next. 


"What happened to you?" She asked. 

I let out another exasperated sigh. Here we go again! 

"I don't remember." I said, trying not to get annoyed. 

 "Oh." She murmured. 

We sat in another awkward silence for about twenty minutes. Then she spoke again. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered. 

I sat up and looked at her, she put her head in her hands. 

"For what?" I asked. 

"For leaving you that day." She said

I was confused for a moment and then it hit me. She was talking about the day I was taken. We were playing outside with my house door wide open, mom was inside making cookies while dad and Luke were out fishing. Jasmine had to go to the bathroom, leaving me alone. And two minutes after she had just left, I was gone. 

"Its not your fault." I sighed. 

"Yes it is, if I would've stayed you probably would have still been here." She croaked. 

I shook my head. "No, both of us wouldn't be here. Trust me." I said in a low voice. 

Its true, if she was out there with me, she probably would have gotten taken by J.D. too. In a way, I was glad it was me instead of her. Jasmine was sweet innocent and kind, opposite of me. She wouldn't have survived long in there i know that much. Hearing the edge in my voice, Jasmine looked up from her hands, her face wet with tears. 

"What do you mean?" She asked. 

Dammit! Next time, I won't say a word. I keep letting myself slip, coming across as cryptic and I don't want to make it sound like there's something that they need to know. But isn't there. My subconscious whispered. I mentally shook my head. No way in hell. 

"Nothing, look I'm kind of tired, do you think I could get some rest?" 

She blinked at me and I thought she didn't hear me but she wiped her face and gave a small sad smile. "Yeah, sure. Call me tomorrow when you get to school. I'll show you around." She said and grabbed her things. 

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