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"Hi. I brought you coffee."

Harry looked up from his phone at the sound of his voice, brows furrowing before he recognized Louis, who was holding out a colorful mug he stole from the dining hall. Well, it wasn't technically stealing if he planned on returning it eventually. "What? Oh, thank you, that's so nice of you."

"Figured you could use some caffeine, since you demanded we meet at this ungodly hour." He wasn't sure where these words were coming from; he was usually quiet and shy around people he didn't know very well. Although, they had already shared a heated makeout session, so maybe they'd bypassed that awkward stage of acquaintanceship.

"I'm a morning person," Harry sniffed. "And besides, it's not even that early."

"It's seven thirty in the morning," Louis deadpanned. "On a Wednesday. The only reason I even got out of bed was because my hatred for adulterers motivates me like nothing else."

"Adulterers," Harry repeated. "Hey, by the way, I meant to ask, what are you majoring in?"

Right, they hadn't done the typical college student introductions, which involved potential majors and where they were from. He and Harry had just skipped right to a relationship. Fake relationship. Funny.

"English and history double major."

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

Harry wrapped his hands around the rainbow mug. Louis had selected it just for him, but he hadn't commented on its rainbow patterns. "You just seem like a giant nerd, is all," he said innocently, like relaying the week's weather forecast.

Louis' jaw dropped open. "That's so rude. What's your major, if you're so cool?"

"Psych and enviro double."

"Eww, gross." Louis mimed gagging, pointing his finger at the back of his throat. But he was lying; he found it kind of cool that Harry was doubling in psychology and environmental studies.

"Well, good to know we're both overachievers."

"Yeah, fair," Louis agreed. Double majoring had seemed like a good idea, until senior year hit. Now he practically lived in the library. He still wasn't entirely convinced he would make it out alive.

"So, anyways, good morning," Harry said, getting them back on track.

"Yeah. Hi. Bad morning actually because I'm up so early even though I don't have class until eleven, which is hours away, but you're right, it is morning."

Harry had suggested they meet at the coffee shop in the middle of campus, because it wasn't too crowded in the mornings and it was a nice atmosphere to have a conversation without worrying about being overheard. Most students went there to study and didn't end up purchasing any of the overpriced drinks or meals, which was why Louis brought Harry a coffee from the dining hall, which was free. So now they were sitting at a cramped booth in the corner, crowded up against the foggy windows. The morning was cold and cloudy but the sun still managed to glow behind the opacity.

"I take my coffee black, by the way."

"Ew, that's even more disgusting than your major choice. I'll have to remember for next time."

"Aw, you gonna start bringing me coffee every day?"

So maybe he was one of those narcissistic people who thought everyone was obsessed with him. Typical frat boy behavior. "Don't be such an arrogant asshole about it."

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