Chapter 5

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          Bright light beckoned Ciera's eyes to open again. She cursed the suddenly daylight before her brain processed yesterday's events. With a cry she bolted up in bed, looking around her room wildly. She quickly slid out of bed and began poking her hand under her mattress until it touched something leathery. Her hand slid out clutching the Shadowhunter Codex.

"It wasn't a dream," she muttered, slumping back down with her legs underneath her. Doubt still clouded her opinion of the self-proclaimed Shadowhunters. Life would be so much easier if they didn't exist. Then she could climb back in bed and enjoy a relaxing Saturday.

But if it did exist...

A huge urge to run out of the house and back up to the Church on the Main to see the Institute suddenly washed over her, but thoughts of her father corroded the idea. What would he think of her actions, running back into a world that, according to Sinead, he worked to escape? He would be furious, wouldn't he? Yet Sinead made joining the Clave sound like a blessing.

Slowly Ciera climbed to her feet. Either way, she had to talk to her father. He was the only one she could trust to give her an honest answer.

A minute later, Ciera thundered down the steps and whipped around the corner, peering into the living room and kitchen. "Dad?" she called.

"He went to the store, honey," Jane replied. She was already dressed in a simple sundress and sandals, her blonde hair pulled back in a bun. She was born a few decades too late, Ciera thought.

"Morning," a voice behind her said, and Ciera yelped. Saoirse stared up at her with a repressed grin. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," she laughed before bounding over to couch and clicking the on TV.

"Saoirse, it's a beautiful day. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Perhaps Ciera can watch you outside," she looked pointedly toward Ciera, who was trying to process a thought.

"Huh..." she looked around the room, between her sister and her step mother. Christian was out running errands, so she couldn't ask him about the Institute. She still had her doubts; would the Institute still be there? How could she really prove it was all imaginary?

Her eyes rested on Saoirse, slumped over on the couch like a potato. Saoirse didn't hallucinate; Ciera could tow her down to the site and see if she saw anything, but if it did end up being real... Saoirse was just a little kid. Ciera couldn't hold the responsibility of introducing her sister to a culture so... bizarre. She'd just have to stick it out; maybe ask Melissa a few more questions.

"What time is it?" Ciera inquired.

"A little after noon," Jane replied, checking her pale pink lipstick in her reflection on the side of a toaster. "I only let you sleep in late because you seemed like you needed the rest. Do you feel better?"

Ciera was already half way up the stairs. "Feeling fine!" she yelled back and dashed back into her room before Jane could lecture her about indoor voices. With some fresh clothes in hand, she ran to the bathroom to dress. She emerged from the room out a moment later, dressed in jeans, an old choir t-shirt, and sneakers. As she bounded down the steps, she wrestled her hair into a ponytail. "I'll be right back. Just going for a quick walk."

"Since when do you go for quick walks?" Saoirse muttered from her spot on the couch, her hands behind her head. Ciera shot her a warning look, and Saoirse smirked to herself.

"Just don't break anything while I'm gone," Ciera said as she headed for the door. "Lock the doors and don't answer the phone unless it's me calling."

"Got'cha," Saoirse waved before turning back to her show. Ciera, tight lipped, shut the door behind her. She heard the sound of the bolt clicking into place as she descended the front steps and started off at a steady paced jog. Her brain whirled on what she would do upon seeing the institute again. What if it was gone? Then what? Continue on with your life then, she thought.

The Vile Endowments: Warrior of Shadows (A Mortal Instruments Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang