Chapter Two

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__Mephiles kept his pace slow as he followed Athena to the back of the castle down the stairs. He found himself looking at her long tail. He didn't know why but he was confused about how any mobian cat could have a tail that long. As curious as he was, he didn't bother to ask Athena about it.
__Something about Athena seemed off to him. She wasn't like the other mobians he had encountered. She didn't act like a normal girl from what he saw. He figured she might've been some kind of spiritual priest, but he wasn't sure.
__"How did you fix the Scepter of Darkness?" He asked.
__"That is not important," Athena replied without looking back. "All you need to worry about is standing by the princess."
__"I don't fully trust you or your plan."
__"I didn't expect you to," She looked back at him as she continued walking. "I only expect you to cooperate until the end." She then looked forward when she walked off the last step and headed towards the castle.
__Mephiles caught up to her quickly while staying behind her. "How is it that you know the princess?"
__"I' of her special maidens that do work for her."
__"And you're assaining her a guard?"
__"Let's just say to her I'm not just a maiden who just stands by and waits for her simple commands."
__They finally reached a door in the back of the castle, which one human guard was standing by it. When he saw Mephiles his eyes went wide and he immediately lifted up his spear. It wasn't until Athena stood in front of Mephiles that made him lower his spear.
__"He's come as the princess' new personal guard. You'd do better not to engage," She warned the guard.
__"Are you sure it's wise to recruit him?" The guard questioned. "How is he even alive? I thought Sonic, Shadow, and Silver got rid of him for good."
__Mephiles narrowed his eyes while his body heated up in anger when he heard those names. It was them that destroyed Solaris. How was Sonic even brought back to life!? He shook his head and crossed his arms when Athena started talking.
__"How he's alive is not important," Athena responded calmly.
__You seem to say that a lot. Mephiles thought angerly.
__"What matters now is that Princess Elise the Third now has her personal guard. Well, she will if you let us in without any trouble?" Athena stared at the guard with pleading eyes, but Mephiles could tell they were fake.
__The guard had nodded and opened the door for them. He bowed his head when they walked in and Mephiles caught a quick glimpse of the guard glaring at him. He closed the door behind Mephiles, almost hitting the back of his quills.
__Mephiles looked behind him at the door and growled in anger. When he realized Athena had not waited for him he quickly caught up to her. He made sure to walk next to her this time, not wanting to lag behind. Everyone was staring at them, or rather at him. It didn't bother him, though. He knew they feared him deep down, and he liked that.
__Athena suddenly stopped, making Mephiles stop to look at her. Athena turned to face him with an annoyed expression on her face. "When we meet the princess in the throne room you will let me do all the talking, got it?"
__"Like I care," Mephiles murmured. 
__"Actually, I prefer that you don't speak to her at all while you're here," Athena sighed as she crossed her arms. "In fact, don't talk to anyone except for me. All you need to do is show signs of acknowledgment when someone speaks to you."
__"Fine by me," Mephiles nodded his head. "But won't that get me into trouble?"
__"It shouldn't," She assured him. "It would be believable since you don't seem to have a mouth." She then motioned with her hand to keep moving and Mephiles obeyed.
__The lock on his chest would bounce on his chestfur as he walked. He grabbed the lock with his hand and clenched it tightly. What even is she? How did she even do this? 
__"We're reaching the throne room," Athena began. "When you stand before the princess you will bow your head respectfully. No exceptions. You must act loyal to her even if you're faking it."
__Mephiles didn't answer as they neared a large double door.
__Two guards bowed their heads and opened each door for them. They didn't seem to recognize Mephiles as he walked past them. 
__Both Athena and Mephiles stood still as the double door closed behind them. They were greeted by a human woman. She looked old with her short gray hair and a few wrinkles on her face. The old woman had examined Mephiles for a bit before she looked over at Athena. "Him?"
__Athena closed her eyes and bowed her head. "Yes, Agatha. He's the one."
__"Can't wait to see how she reacts," The old lady muttered. She looked down at Mephiles and put on a rather calming grin. "What's your name?"
__Mephiles stopped himself before he uttered out a single sound. He looked down at the palms of his hands. How does she expect them to know my name if I'm not allowed to speak with them? His ear twitched when he heard Athena clear her throat.
__"His name is Mephiles," She said brightly. "Sorry, he can't speak." She pointed at Mephiles' muzzle where a mouth should have been.
__"I see." Agatha turned around and pointed ahead. "Go on then. But you tell me the princess' reaction later, Athena. I have other work to be doing."
__"Will do, Agatha." She bowed her head down again and waited until Agatha left before she straightened herself. She looked at Mephiles and smiled. "You're a natural."
__Mephiles snorted and crossed his arms. "Can we hurry this up?"
__"Don't be impatient," Was all Athena said before she continued on.
__Mephiles followed her more slowly this time as the big throne came into view. It was a nice golden throne with red fabric over the cushions and there were flames engraved in the gold. Mephiles stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the woman on the throne. She was sitting in good posture and she greeted them with a smile. She had short red hair, green eyes, her skin was pale, and her lips were a nice shade of pink.
__Athena bowed her head and Mephiles did the same.
__"Good day, you two," The woman bowed her head in return. "Athena, who have you brought?" She looked up and gazed down at Mephiles. She let out a horrified gasp and stood up from her throne. "What is he doing here!? I thought Solaris was destroyed!"
__Suddenly a bunch of guards appeared out of nowhere and had their spears up and ready, all pointing at Mephiles.
__Well, isn't that nice. He stifled a laughed and looked at Athena. Did you plan for this? 
__Athena took a few steps forward and kneeled down on both knees while she bowed her head. "Please, Princess, have them go. They don't need to listen to my reason for bringing him here."
__The princess stood there motionless for a few seconds before she motioned the guards away. When they all left she sat back down on her throne, this time in an improper posture. "Explain to me what is happening."
__Athena stood back up and cuffed her hands in front of her. "Princess, don't you trust me?" She asked almost sounding hurt.
__"Of course I do, Athena," The princess sat up straighter and sighed. "It's know what happened?"
__"Yes," Athen crossed her arms and looked away. "Mephiles killed Sonic, made you cry so Iblis was released and formed Solaris so they could destroy the world." Athena eyed Mephiles before she looked back up at the princess. "But right now Mephiles means you no harm. I've chosen him to be your personal guard."
__The princess didn't look convinced at all. She kept her eyes glued on Mephiles. He could even see the hatred in her eyes.
__Athena walked back over beside Mephiles and grabbed hold of his lock. "You see this lock and the chains he now wears? He'll be working for you, but as of now, he belongs to me." She let go of the lock and straightened her posture. "I assure you he won't do anything but stand by your side."
__The princess sighed and shook her head. "All right, Athena. I'll trust you on this, but I won't trust Mephiles."
__"I wouldn't see it any other way." Athena looked at Mephiles. "Go on and stand by the princess. I'll be seeing you again tonight."
__Mephiles was about to question her when she brought her face closer to his.
__"Remember," She whispered. "Do not speak. No matter what." She leaned back and smiled before she walked out of the throne room.
__Mephiles let out a sigh and reluctantly walked over and stood by the princess. This had all better be worth it. He didn't look at the princess once, but he knew she was staring at him. Just say something already. 
__"I guess I'll have to get used to this," He heard her mutter. "If you're going to be my personal guard then I don't want you getting into trouble. And you will refer to me as Princes Elise when you speak to me."
__Mephiles slowly looked at her and shook his head.
__"What do you mean no?"
__Mephiles pointed to the empty space on his muzzle and shook his head again.
__"I know you can talk," Elise responded in annoyance. "I've heard you before."
__Mephiles sighed and shrugged his shoulders. He looked away from her and sighed again. I don't like this.

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