Chapter Two

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You just left her? The spirit demanded, now the one pacing from wall to wall of the room Serana had taken refuge in. She couldn't help it. The sight of her werewolf in a rage wouldn't have been enough to send her running, but the shape she was in did enough.

Serana couldn't even argue with the fury in Salem's words. She was just as horrified with herself. But she couldn't stop shaking, even though her body didn't technically feel fear the way a human would. Even her breathing sped, as though she even needed the air.

“I couldn't…” She stopped, and reconsidered what she was going to say. “You know where I come from. Whatever has happened to her-- I don't think she's truly herself anymore.”

Feel for your bond , Salem scolded. Does she truly feel lost?

She hadn't thought of that. Stupid, in hindsight, but the idea of the bond was new to her, it wasn't the first thing she would think of. She closed her eyes and reached for that glow she knew was Elayn. When she touched it, she gasped and recoiled at the feeling of so much rage, and behind it, pain, and fear.

But it was still Elayn. Still felt like her, if wilder and uncontrolled.

She opened her eyes to see Salem staring at her, tail flicking. Well?

“I think I can get her back.”


 Blood. So much blood. And screaming. The whispers in the back of her mind made it all a fog of noise and confusion. So she lashed out, within and without, railing against the constriction on her soul that made her feel nothing but rage.

Then, like a breeze clearing away smoke, the fog receded for a moment, bringing with it a familiar scent. One of peace. Of home.

The whispers grew louder. She bellowed. The scent faded, leaving her nothing but carnage. 


Emboldened with the knowledge that her werewolf was not completely lost, Serana strode back out into the chaos of the townsfolk trying to combat the beast in their midst. She smelled smoke, and hoped the fire wouldn't spread too far. The crowd and noise got thicker as she followed the threads of her bond with Elayn, unsure of exactly what she would do, only knowing that she had to do it.

When she came face to face with the beast that Elayn had become, she stood firm against the bodies that stumbled into her in their hurry to flee. Chin raised, she stared at Elayn, until her wolf felt the weight of her gaze and tore her attention away from the humans trying-- and failing-- to drive her back with pitchforks.

It felt, for a moment, like the earth stopped turning. Then Elayn roared.

“Elayn!” she shouted, walking forward. She got confused looks from anyone close and undistracted enough to hear. Her werewolf tilted her head toward the sky and bellowed.

But she didn't charge. That was good, right?

Swallowing back her nerves, Serana advanced, slowly at first, then running until she could embrace her werewolf. “Elayn, please,” she whispered into her sandy fur, knowing she would hear. “Come back to me.”

The beast roared, clawed hands wrapped around Serana's shoulders and--

And suddenly she was holding Elayn again.

“Serana, thank fuck. I love you, I love you so much, I'm so sorry--” She went on, rasping murmurs that turned to nonsense as she clutched Serana to her.

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