Chapter seventeen

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"And you love this child."

"That I do."

*knock on door*

"Mr. Stilinski, it's time for your medicine." The nurse says.

"Not the meds doc, they make me tired and SourWolf just got here." Stiles says in a whining tone.

"Stiles." Derek says in a warning tone.


"You should be released in a couple of days if everything keeps going good." The nurse says with a smile.

"Thank god. No offense to you doc, but hospitals aren't my favorite place." Stiles says with a sad smile.

"I understand sweetie. If you need anything just let me know." The nurse says as she closes the door behind her.

"Sweetie." Derek says in a teasingly voice.

"Awe, Is the big bad wolf jealous?" Stiles asks with a smirk.


"Yes babe?"

"Shut up."

"Make me." Stiles says with a wink.

"Come on Liam, kick his ass!!" Jackson yelled.

"Jackson, shut up or you're next." Liam growled.

"If you lose Dunbar I'll be kicking your ass."

"LIAM!" Scott roared.

Liam paused, fist in the air.

"What are you two doing?!" Scott asked in a pissed voice.

"He punched me first!" Liam says in a defensive tone.

"Jackson, take Matt to the nurse. Liam go home."

"Why do I have to leave?"

"Go Liam, now! We will talk later."


30 minutes later and Scott arrives at the hospital.

"OH.MY.GOD. I did not need to see that." Scott says while shutting the door back.

"Really Scott? Do you not use those wolfy senses of yours, or I don't know, KNOCK!"

"You can come in now, Scott." Derek says.

"Sorry guys." Scott says with a shy smile.

"Yeah, yeah. You couldn't have picked a better time?" Stiles asked.

"Why ain't you in school?" Derek asked. "Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is fine. Liam got in a fight, I sent him home."

"Is Liam alright?" "Did he win?" Derek and stiles asked at the same time.

"Really, stiles?" Derek asked.


"Liam's fine, Matt on the other hand is going to need stitches and he's probably got a concussion."

"That's my boy!" Stiles says excitedly.

Derek and Scott both stare at Stiles.

"Stop looking at me like that, he had it coming!" Stiles says in a serious tone.

"Anyways, since Scott is here, I'm going to the station to talk to John, you two spend some time together." Derek says as he hugs stiles goodbye with a kiss on his forehead.

"Love SourWolf." Stiles says as he kisses Derek.

"Love you sti, later Scott."

"Later man."

As Derek is walking down the hall he heard stiles say...

"Seriously? I haven't had sexy times with Derek in forever and you had to show up now?"

"How was I supposed to know you guys would do it in the hospital?" Scott asked.

"Next time Scott, use your wolfy ears."

Derek shook his head and laughed.

Derek picks up burger and fries for John, himself and also parish so he doesn't tell stiles. Derek gets to the station goes to parish's desk first to drop off his food.

"What's this?" Parish asked.

"Something for you not to tell stiles about me getting his father a burger."

"Stiles would kill me."

"I'll handle stiles." Derek says smiling.

"Alright. Only just this once." Parish says.

"Thanks, I owe you one, parish."

"Just invite me to the wedding and we're even."

"Wait how did you know about the wedding? Derek asked.

"What wedding? I was joking, unless- dude you're getting married and didn't tell me?!"

"I'm purposing when stiles is all better. The wedding will be a few months later." Derek says.

"Congratulations man! I'm happy for you both. Does stiles know?"

"No and I would like to keep it that way." Derek says in a firm tone.

"Got it. Congrats Derek. You make him happy."

"Thanks Parish. I'll see you later."

*knocks on the sheriffs door*

"Come in."

"Sheriff." Derek says.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me john?" John says as he laughs.

"Sorry sher- John. I brought food. I got Parish some also so he don't tell stiles." Derek says smiling.

John laughs "Derek, you're going to make a hell of a son in law. So what did you want to talk about?" He asks as he takes a bite of his burger.

"Well at the wedding, I was wondering since I'm planning on having an empty chair for Erica, Boyd and my family. I was wondering if it would be alright if I had one for your wife Claudia too?"

John stops chewing and the silence drags on.

"I- I uhm sorry if I over stepped it-" Derek gets cut off

"No- uh" John clears his throat. "It's a great idea, stiles would love that, so would I."

John gets up and hugs Derek in a tight embrace and Derek returns it.

Accidentally in love 🐺💙Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz