chapter 8

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 Two days after Hogwarts started again after the Christmas holidays, everyone knew Harry was with Daphne and that he had adopted Luna into his house. Cho Chang walked to one student who was stealing some stuff from Luna's trunk. "Put those things back – since Loony is part of House Potter, he'll make our lives unbearable if he catches anyone stealing from her." She said. The thief put the items back as quickly as possible. What the two didn't know was that there was a charm on the trunk which allowed Harry to know that someone was interfering with the contents of it.

Snape and Malfoy had been released from their suspensions on the same day and were back at Hogwarts. "Hey, Potter – I hear you're dating Greengrass," Malfoy said, "She was promised to me by Professor Snape." Harry ignored the jibes until Malfoy sunk to a low. "Or is she going to be a practice girlfriend who will spread her legs for you so you can be a good husband to a proper pureblood witch who is more worthy of the heir to the House of Potter." Malfoy said, "Or, if you insist on sticking with her, we'll break her in for you." To Harry, Malfoy had gone too far with those remarks. He turned around and cast a spell on Malfoy. He had intended on turning him into a ferret like Mad Eye Moody did but couldn't achieve a full transformation. Satisfied, he walked away.

That was not the end of it. Harry was taken to Dumbledore's office later that day. Snape and Draco were there with Headmistress Daniels. Draco had been turned back to normal. "Albus – I want that brat arrested, he assaulted my ward!" Snape shouted. Sirius had told Harry that Narcissia had disowned Draco and palmed him off to Snape before she became a Black again and left the country. "Now, now Severus," Dumbledore said, "I'm sure there is an explanation to this."

"Draco here made several sexually explicit and derogatory remarks about my girlfriend, which included an offer of passing her around the Slytherin common room. That in my book is out of order." Harry said. "That's a lie!" Draco said. "Want to put that to the test under veritaserum?" Harry asked, "I had heard rumours of girls being passed around Slytherin but I refused to believe them until now. Headmaster, how can you expect Slytherin House to behave if Snape here allows such activities to take place?" "I will have the matter dealt with, Mr. Potter," Dumbledore said, "In the meantime, you will have to be punished – two weeks of detention with Mr. Fitch and your mail privileges are revoked until further notice." "It was worth it – I only wish I could have completed the transformation." Harry said, "Also, you have no power to stop me sending or receiving mail." "I am the Headmaster and I say mail is a privilege which can be stopped at any time." Dumbledore said. "If I may, Headmaster," Daniels cut in, "Harry is not your student, but mine. You cannot stop him receiving mail. Mr. Malfoy made remarks which would be considered inappropriate and classed as sexual harassment in my school. Mr. Potter was defending his girlfriend's honour. The detention is adequate punishment although I am dismayed at the fact it was an incomplete transfiguration." "It was a complex one Headmistress." Harry said.

Ginny, still having a serious crush on Harry, was jealous of Daphne warned her to keep away from Harry or suffer the consequences. People admired her for standing up to the Ice Queen. Harry crept into the Great Hall during the night. The following morning, he was standing next to his usual spot on the Ravenclaw table holding an umbrella. Daphne came up to him. "Morning, Harry," she said to him. He started checking his watch as everyone came in. As Dumbledore came in and sat down, Harry put up the umbrella. Everyone wondered what was going on and then moments later, it started to rain on everyone. "You know, Daph, I do happen have room under this here umbrella which I happen to have on my person." Harry said. Daphne got under it. The two watched as everyone got soaking wet. Some strange substance was leaking off Snape in vast quantities. Draco, who had just taken a drink, turned into a woman. Harry had arranged for Dobby to spike his drink with potion, knowing that spoilt little Draco had his own jug of pumpkin juice. Harry was thinking: Revenge is very sweet. It was a pity certain people had to get wet, but he couldn't predict where these people were going to sit. Snape looked like he would force-feed poison to Harry if he could. The two walked out of the hall to go to the Beauxbatons group so Harry could have a Potions lesson. Snape was shouting all sorts of profanities regarding Harry. Fred and George Weasley were having a good laugh. "Good prank," Fred said later that day, "Surprised we never thought of that." "Well, Fred, my friend," Harry said, "Bully Luna or threaten Daphne and that is what will happen." "We'll keep Ginny in line, mate," George said, "but we won't bully her and there are a few other people we can vouch for."

Charms was later that day and they were practicing the Banishing Charm. Flitwick took Harry aside after seeing him excel at the Charm. "I notice you do some very good charm work, Mr. Potter," Flitwick said, "You take after your mother, she was good at charms. Your Aunt Sarah was also good, but not as good as Lily." "Thank you, sir," Harry said, "What were my parents like? Besides Aunt Sarah, no-one seems to want to say anything." "Dumbledore felt information about your family should be kept secret to spare your feelings," Flitwick said, "But I think differently. James was just as talented as your mother. But his real skill was in Transfiguration – I've seen him transfigure items or conjure things that would put Minerva to shame. He lived for your mother and she was the only one who could keep him in line, despite one of his best friends being a prefect. If they had survived, I would have nominated your mother to succeed me when I retired and I'm sure Minerva, although it would pain her to think of James Potter as a teacher - would have done the same about your father. "Now, tell me about that charm you performed on the Great Hall ceiling?" Flitwick asked. "How did you know that was me?" Harry asked back. "That prank had James Potter written all over it. He did the same thing when some Slytherins made some very offensive remarks about your mother. Also, Fred and George Weasley - who it seems only pay attention in my class - wouldn't think of something like that." Flitwick answered. "I added some charms which linked the ceiling to most of the bathrooms in the castle. A time charm was also used to activate the charms, hence I knew when to use the umbrella." Harry replied. "A very good piece of charm work, I must admit I found it funny to see all that grease slide down Professor Snape," Flitwick said, "There is one more thing I want to talk to you about." "What's that?" "Luna Lovegood," Flitwick said, "Cho Chang came to me and confessed to the way she and all the Ravenclaws bullied her since she started at school. I had no idea what was going on otherwise I would have put a stop to it. She also told me how you put a stop to it through nonviolent means and I want to say you did a good thing there. I have since found out that even Prefects were behind it and so I stripped them of their badges. Ravenclaw won't have any prefects until next year if they behave themselves."

February 1st was Luna's 14th birthday. Hedwig delivered a small box to her. A week later, Harry walked up to the Owlery. He tied a small package to Hedwig's leg. "Take this to the embassy, dear girl," he said, "And they'll send it to Australia." She hooted and flew out of the tower. Before Harry could leave, Dumbledore and Flitch entered. "I got a tip-off, Headmaster," Filtch said, "That this boy was sending off for a large list of forbidden products." "Mr. Potter – I must ask you to hand over what you plan to send." "I've already sent it," Harry said, "and it is none of your business what I send. Now mind your own business otherwise I'll be pressing charges." With that, Harry left the tower.

It was a couple of days before the second task. Aunt Sarah and the twins had come to show support for Harry during the task. They went to the Burrow first where Molly Weasley looked pleased to see the twins. "Would you two like to bake some cookies with me?" she asked them.

"Yes please, Mrs. Weasley." They said in their cute irresistible voices. "You can call me Grandma Molly." She told them. "Thank you." They said. Like their last visit, a lot of mess and giggling happened while they did their baking. In the end, there was a nice pile of cookies, some of which had various bite marks on and some even had bits bitten off. "I don't think the people who come up with these ideas take sampling into account." Aunt Sarah said.

Soon, it was the day of the second task. Aunt Sarah and the twins came to the school with some students from Sydney had come to show support. The twins made people laugh by carrying Luna dolls. Harry had made them for their fourth birthday with Luna's blessing. This time, they clung onto Luna's legs, forcing Harry to use Flitwick's tickling charm.

A Year at HogwartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora