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Crystal doesn't sleep much after her nightmare. Her head is just filled with thoughts and she can't get her head together enough to fall asleep, so she decided to read a book.

The weekend was relatively uneventful other than her meeting up with Steve at Benny's.

"Hey, Steve." Crystal says as she sits down in the booth, Steve occupied for them.

"Hey." Steve says sounding numb.

"Are you okay?" Just as she asks the question, a waitress comes over.

"What would you like to order?" She asks.

"A chocolate milkshake and criss cut fries for me." Crystal says and smiles.

"And what about you, Harrington?" The waitress asks.

"A strawberry milkshake." He says still sounding emotionless.

"Okay, I'll with your order." The waitress smiles and walks away.

"Hey, Steve. What's wrong?" Crystal asks in a soft voice.

"She broke up with me." Steve says tearing up a little. "Nancy broke up with me. She said our relationship was bullshit."

Crystal is taken back by this at first. First because Nancy broke up with Steve, and second because the pretty girl next door said bullshit. "Hey, it's okay." She tries to make Steve feel better. "Now I get why you ordered a strawberry milkshake." She smiles.

"It's not funny, Crys." he claps back.

"Sorry, but you know me. Always tries to make fun out of every situation." Steve chuckles lightly after this statement. "See. It works."

"I know you. That is why I called you." Steve chuckles as their food arrives. "But what am I going to do about Nancy?"

"She was drunk, right?" She respons. "When she said that, she was drunk?"

"Yeah. So?" Steve answers.

"Well, maybe she didn't mean it. Try to talk to her on Monday and see." She smiles. "Plus remember all of what happened last year? It really took a tole on her. Especially with Barb."

"I guess you're right." He says.

"I am always right." They both laugh as digs into their food and milkshakes.

"Ow by the way. Sorry I left you hanging at the party." He says after a second.

"That's fine." She smiles. "Or I was a little mad, when I saw that you left, but now that I understand why, it is totally cool."

"How did you get home anyway?" He asks and takes another sip of his milkshake.

"You won't believe me." She begins. "Billy Hargrove drove me home."

As she says that, Steve chokes on his milkshake. "What?!"

"Yeah, I am just as surprised as you are."

"He didn't do anything, right?" Steve asks in his brotherly protective way.

"No." She quickly respons. "Not at all." She takes another sip. She didn't want to tell Steve that Billy tried to kiss her at the party. She knows him and he would just get himself into a fight. "My dream." She quietly whispers and looks shocked.

"What did you say?" Steve asks concerned.

"Nothing... Uhm I just remember that I had to make the biology homework for Monday." She smiles to try and distract him.

"Are you sure?" He says with a suspicious look on his face. "If something was wrong, you would tell me, right?"

"Yeah, of course I would." Crystal says and continues eating.

After their little meet up at the diner, Crystal decides that she should head home, but she can't shake the feeling that something is horribly wrong off of her. She chooses to drive a route that is a little longer than the one she usually takes. Just to try and clear her head.

She ends up driving near the forrest, where the feelings had before is even stronger. A loud ringing noise starts in her ears and she is left with no other choice then to stop her bike. "What is that?" She says as she hold her ears. Looking around she could've sworn, she saw the shadow of a child, but It is quickly gone. So is the ringing. "What the hell?" She puts her helmet back on and drives home.

That night, she didn't have bad dreams like the night before. I just dreamt of last year. Of El and how she was like a littlesister to her. When Crystal first found out about El, she was happy. She never had someone, who looked up to her. Or that was at least what it felt like, El did.

She had crawled behind her back, when a thunder had crashed. Crystal even told El the same nighttime stories, Kristen had told her. Just to try and comfort the scared little girl. Not that she looked scared, but Crystal knew all about hiding behind a brave face. It was the story of her life.

She also dreamt of Billy. "Argh go away." She thought. It was just such a nice dream, and then he ruined it. Or well he didn't ruin it completely, since he was shirtless, and even though she would never admit, he did look quite nice without his shirt on.

Sunday meant relaxation time. She just lays in her bed all day and watches Star Wars. Not with a care in the world. Or not entirely, her dream she had the other night still bothers her. However, she ends up doing her homework, eats dinner, watches some more Star Wars and goes to bed. Relaxing day. Check.



I am sorry that this chapter is not as long as the others. I just didnt really feel this chapter like the others.


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