Chapter Nine - I Want to Dance with you Again

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-Tomura POV- Outside Izuku's house

I watch as the door swings open, only to reveal the most beautiful creature that has ever walked the earth itself. I can't help but gasp, taken aback by his beauty. The diamond necklace around his neck shimmers in the glow of the pale moonlight, looking as if it were another bright star in the sky.

His shirt outlines his small, thin waist, and is stitched together ever so carefully. His leggings wrap around his long, thin legs, making him look even more fragile and innocent.

"Y-You," I manage to say, still breathless. "You look... amazing." I'm standing here, looking like an idiot, in front of this gift from the highest Heaven. How am I supposed to act natural? Come on, Tomura! Compose yourself!

He blushes a deep shade of red. "O-Oh!" He stutters, green eyes gazing up to me. "Th-Thank you! You, um, you look incredible, too!" He smiles weakly, and I smile back.

I notice the small, chubby woman behind him. Her eyes and hair are like his, and so is her smile. This must be his mother. Izuku steps aside, tugging the woman forward.

"Tomura," He says. "This is my mother. Mom, this is Tomura." She smiles and shakes my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Midoriya," I say, firmly grasping her hand. (Don't worry, don't worry. I'm wearing the glove. I do NOT plan on incinerating my boyfriend's mom.)

"Please, call me Inko," She says warmly. "I'm so happy to finally meet my son's soulmate! He hasn't stopped talking about you." Izuku flinches when she says this, and blushes again.

We say goodbye to the kind, green haired lady, and leave. I ask my short, cinnamon boy if he's told his mother about... well... the fact that I'm a villain and all.

"I'm terrible at telling lies," He says. "But I'm worse at keeping secrets from my mother. Anyone else, yeah, I'm a good secret keeper. But my mom is not everyone else." So he has told his mom.

We approach Kurogiri, Toga, and Dabi, the three of them standing on the sidewalk just outside the Midoriya household.

"Wow, Izu-chan," Toga exclaims. "You look soooooo good! Man, I'm jealous!" Toga, who is wearing a simple white dress and thigh-highs, starts to examine his clothing, asking about where he got it, who did his makeup, who's necklace that is, etc., etc.

Dabi, like Kurogiri and I, is wearing a nice black suit with a light black tie. He sighs.

"Toga, you idiot," Dabi says, pulling Toga away from the younger boy. "Don't stress him out." He looks at Izuku. "You look nice, for a hero." Izuku smiles and thanks Dabi. Kurogiri looks at his watch.

"Lets go, gentlemen and lady," He says. "We don't want to be late. First impressions matter." He opens a warp gate, signaling for us to head in.

"Shall we?" I ask Izuku, holding the small hand on my arm.

"We shall." Izuku clings onto my arm, beaming up at me. We walk into the portal, holding each other close.

-3rd Person POV- Outside the Smithington Mansion
The group of villains and a hero stand in front of the huge mansion, lights coming from nearly every grand window. They walk up to the large oak doors, and knock.

After a few seconds, a little boy with white hair answers.

"Hello!" He says, eyes sparkling. "You must be Mommy's new friends! I'm her youngest son, Yume." He leads the group inside, into the ball room.

Instantly, they are overwhelmed by the sound of swing music and the scent of meatloaf and cigars. The room is warm, and full of people. The five of them and Yume walk through the crowd, making their way to the stairs. A woman with long black hair is sitting at the bottom of it, talking to a group of five teenagers.

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