Chapter 26: Rin Uchiha [Shippuden]

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"If you had said no?"

"Rin had already accepted the challenge, had I rejected her sacrifice she'd still have no choice but to face it. I wasn't going to let her efforts go to waste and as she said, I knew exactly how I was to repay you both for all I had done," He explained.

"It really was the least I could do, but I am curious why you helped her." I glanced down at Rin, waiting for a moment until I saw her chest rise and fall. 

"I'm trying to trust her again, to listen for once. She seems to think we need you, that I will need you." I explained. 

"Although, I don't think she realizes right now she's the only thing we have in common. Even if this doesn't kill her, she seems to think she won't survive this war." The thought was heavy, it lingered in the air between us. 

"Well, she has both of us now. We might not be able to help her with this, but we can protect her from Madara,"  Itachi replied, and I nodded in agreement. 

"If Rin comes back, will she be okay?" I finally asked. 

"I don't know everything anymore Sasuke." I would have responded, but a loud intake of air caught my attention. I rushed to Rin as she rolled to her side coughing violently, and throwing up a strange black liquid. I reached for her arm noticing she felt damp as I helped her to her knees, she tried to take in slow deep breaths between coughs as she leaned her weight into me.

"You idiot." It was the only thing I could think of to say. She gave me a weak smirk and I met her tired eyes.

"That's the first time you've been able to call me that," I almost laughed. It was a relief to hear her voice even as strained as it sounded.

"Did it work?"



Unfortunately, the Jubi's voice was the first I heard when I came back. My chest hurt, my lungs ached, and my veins still felt like they were on fire. My body felt weak, and each movement felt like my limbs were attached to weights. It was like my arms and legs weren't getting the message to move. Yet in all this confusion, even over the Jubi trying to get my attention I had only one thought.

"Did it work?" I asked, feeling the dryness in my throat.

"Yes," His voice sent chills down my spine. I looked over Sasuke's shoulder meeting Itachi's gaze. He couldn't seem to decide whether to meet my gaze or keep his eyes down.

"Itachi" I breathed. I tried to move my legs, annoyed slightly when they didn't cooperate. Sasuke was quick to stand, and help me do the same. The motion made my stomach lurch. I released a slow breath, and Sasuke cautiously let me go. I felt my body sway, my step towards Itachi hit the ground harder than intended. Sasuke quickly stepped forward and I caught his arm, holding it tightly as I regained my balance.

"This probably doesn't look great," I said sheepishly and noticed a flicker of annoyance in Itachi's eye.

"Of all the reckless, stupid, selfish things-"

"I know" I interrupted and motioned for him to come closer as I held Sasuke's arm a little tighter. He obliged, that annoyance in his eyes fading the closer he got.

"Part of me didn't think it would work," I admitted.

"And when it did there was no turning back." It was then that I noticed the tears in Itachi's eyes, and was startled when he dropped to his knees in front of me. 

"I owe you everything," His voice cracked. I took a small step back as he stooped into a low bow. His forehead touched the ground in front of me. 

"Thank you" He breathed.

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