The Pills

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"Three," said the doctor as Deku opens his eyes and sat up on the couch. "So Deku, tell me, how do you feel?" He asked Deku stayed quiet for a second. "I feel like dying, I don't understand why do you make me do this?" He said looking sad. "Try to stay calm, this is part of your recovery," said the Doctor, Deku look at him with anger. "Recovery? Don't you get it my parents are dead!" Deku yelled. The Doctor sighed, "it's going to be okay, besides the police are working on it" said the doctor. Deku crossed his arms, "the police are not doing anything! And I really want to find my kitty!" Deku said. The Doctor tries to calm him down, "don't be so negative and your cat is missing, it's impossible to find him" said the doctor. "But I have something for you, Deku," he said. "What is it?" Asked Deku as he tilts his head. "Do you see the desk? There is a package for you, take it" the doctor said, as Deku got up and walk to the desk, and it was a shoulder strap bag, "this was my father's bag" he said with a sigh. "Open it there something inside," The doctor said. Deku opens the bag and there was a note, Dearest Deku, here is the bag you've loved very much, I got it for you because I think about you, you love to examine things and combined other object and this would be in good use
Love Aunt Yui.  The note says. "She's worried about you" the doctor suggests. Deku rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I'm worried too, I'm not mad! I'm still here!" Deku complains the doctor had heard enough of his attitude. "Stop it, you're out of control young man!" the doctor said, Deku stomps his feet, "I'm so tired of all of this. I just want to go to my room" Said Deku. "Yes, but before you do, it's time to take your medicine," the doctor said. Deku had tried enough pills, "No! No more medicines! I don't want to try anymore more pills" Deku complains again. "It's called duotone, it'll help you feel relax, Nures we are ready!" Said the doctor. One of the nurses came in holding a tray with a red pill.
"Anything new today Dr.Markus?" Asked the nurse. "Nothing actually, same visions as before," said doctor Markus. The nurse sighed, "oh, I see, here Midorya, take your medicine" said the nurse. Deku takes the red pill and puts it into his mouth and swallows it. Deku started to feel dizzy. "I-I don't feel so good," Deku said. Suddenly, in a flash the whole room was covered in blood, Heads coming down the sky, meat and flesh, bones and a shadow appears next to Deku, hears of whispers and screaming, Deku fainted. As well everything went back to normal. "Oh no! take him to his room! And nurses don't let him take this ever again!" The doctor said.

(Monster) beware Deku Midorya Bow, if you dare escape the house of madness, I'll hunt you down, catch you, and bring you back to insanity.

(Todoroki) Deku? Please wake up! The medicine will help you escape, I'll be waiting for in the woods. I love you!.

Deku Bow. (Fran Bow AU)Where stories live. Discover now