Chapter 1

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"The first to lay hand on me will die the most brutal death.
Under the crescent moon, his heart will be ripped out of his chest."


"Little brother.."
Mubaek's voice shivered as he crouched over Mugwang's laid-out corpse.
Gitoha, Gilseon, even Tagon, they all had disappeared to him at the moment.
Mubaeks tears fell down on his brother's hair, his face and he didn't try to stop them.

How could this have happened?
How could he have let his little brother getting killed?

During the last weeks, they all had made jokes about the curse Tanya Niruha had put on him.
Nobody had seriously believed it would come true.

And now he was lying there on the table. His ribcage torn open and a deep hole where his heart should have been.

Mubaek felt the pain in his own chest - a stinging sensation that kept him from breathing.

"Mugwang, forgive me! I haven't protected you enough", he whispered so silently, nobody could hear it.

[ENG] Hyeong // Arthdal ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now