The First

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"RUN!" I screamed through the deathly silent halls. With me were my teammates: Tyler, Harry, Katie and Ally. Harry was busy working on the control panel, oblivious to what I had just said. We called him Harry, but he preferred being called Ben. I rolled my eyes.

"BEN, what are you doing?"

"working on the lock, which I would have finished if YOU hadn't kept bothering me. Plus, there's nothing com- "he went silent. We were all curious as to what had stopped harry dead in his tracks when all of a sudden we heard the creaking of a door opening, followed by a bunch of thumps getting louder by the second. I slowly turned to my now fear-stricken teammates.

"Everybody, stay silent. If you see it, tell me. If I don't respond, call for backup from the others. Most importantly, it can smell fear. So, stay calm." I whispered, unsure of how far away our new target was. As soon as I had finished what I had said, I felt a shiver go down my spine. My instincts were telling me that something was behind me, and my teammates didn't help in disproving my theory. I slowly looked behind me, and almost fell to the ground in horror. It was standing behind me! We all ran, but we weren't fast enough. It had caught up to us in seconds and we fell to the ground exhausted. We could feel the presence of the monster towering over us like we were a plate of freshly baked monster food ready to be eaten. We closed our eyes shut, waiting for our lives to end. The simulation stopped, and we heard the footsteps of our boss approaching.

"you really think that just running away would help in a situation like this? If that was real, you would have died! What were you thinking?" the boss thundered, his voice like an earthquake. We were all too scared to speak but Ally chimed in.

"We are so sorry boss; we were trying our hardest. Harry was working at the controls, and Alaura was telling us exactly what to do. In my opinion, I think- "

"It is no good thinking; you have to actually do. And trying is not going to get you anywhere. I knew you weren't up for this. If I had my ways, I would kick you out right now. But since you are my finest team, I cannot. I am giving you one more chance, and if you screw this up, you are being replaced by the best team in the country. I have already scheduled a meeting with them today, so you guys better get your act together." And as soon as he had finished his sentence, he was gone.

"What are we going to do guys?" Tyler said after we had gotten back up on our feet.

"Well, we could come back and try again tomorrow?" I replied.

"Says the one who got us into this mess in the first place," Harry mumbled under his breath, replying to my statement.

"Well we would have gone faster if you had actually listened in the first place, Mr call me Ben if you want me to listen!"

"it's my name! if you can't call me by my codename, then what's the point of even having them?"

"The point is that we have them if we need them! WE DIDN'T NEED THEM AT THAT POINT!"


"Guys, stop fighting! We will never get anything done if we argue like this!" Katie cut in, ending the feud.

"Yeah, Katie's right guys. You should know that by now Kaylee, you've been our leader for years, and that's what you taught us!" Tyler really wanted to stop the fighting.

"I guess. Sorry, harry. I mean, Ben, if that's what you want me to call you."

"it's ok. I guess I don't REALLY need to use the codenames 24/7."

That was the first time we ever did a mission together. it was hard, but we got through it alive the next time. before I continue, you need to know our origin story. it's really hard to remember since it was so long ago, but I can try. I remember it went something like this...

The Chronicles Of Darwin: The First Signजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें