Chapter 2

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"Wh-What happened?" Svana asked, then gasped as she realized she had an accent! A beautiful, Nordic accent like she had wanted for years. "You fainted, girl. This thief-" Ulfric pointed to Brynjolf- "Helped you up." She looked around at Cicero, Ulfric, and Brynjolf. She reached a tentative hand towards Cicero, and laid it on his chest. She felt his heart beating and looked up at him. "Hello, little lady, heeheehee. This is a strange place indeed." He said giddily, just like he sounded in the game! Svana then said, "Why are you here? You don't exist, I'm just going out of my mind!" Ulfric looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Lass, we do exist, we are from Skyrim." Svana stared at Brynjolf in shock, because he had actually spoken to her. Then something clicked. "Oh! I haven't yet told you my name! I am Svana, and I"m at your service! Now, would you men care to wash?" They nodded. "I only have two bathrooms, so one of you will have to wait. Ulfric, would you mind waiting?" "No, not at all, as long i get to wash." Ulfric replied. Svana did a happy dance in her head. She was going to get to spend quality time with Jarl ULFRIC STORMCLOAK! 

She was ecstatic.

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