"I had a few questions to ask about homework and they wanted to help me look for the teachers" I say saving the others. Snape looks at me trying to tell in I was lying, I stay as calm as an innocent person. "Well best not keep you waiting any longer if it's about homework, I trust it's not anything to do with potions?" I shake my head and Snape leaves.

"Thank god we got him to leave" Ron, you stood there looking so scared. "Thank god, Snape likes one of the potters, Ron we did nothing" Hermione states which makes us laugh. "Now what do we do Harry?" Hermione asks.

"We go down that trap door. Tonight."

We waited till it was dark, "come on Hermione let's go" I drag Hermione out and to the stairs that's were we meet Ron and Harry, "You two ready" we nod and proceed down the stairs. We can hear a croaking sound, we look at one of the chairs and see.. Trevor.

"Trevor?" I say suspiciously "Trevor, go! You shouldn't be here!" Ron raises his voice a bit. That's when we see Neville pop up from the chair "Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?"

"Now Neville, listen. We were-" Harry try's to explain to Neville but he just interrupts Harry "No, I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I'll fight you." He puts his fist up like he's ready to fight, but he's wasting our time.

"Sorry Neville but we really don't have the time to talk, really I'm sorry." I grab out my want a point it at Neville "Petrificus Totalus." Once I said that Neville froze up and fell to the floor, I then put my wand back in my skirt, Hermione high fives me which I gladly do back.

"You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant, but scary." Ron states which makes us all laugh, we then throw the invisible cloak over all four of us, which might I say is very difficult for four people to fit in. "Ow" Hermione and I say in sync "stop stepping on us" I say to the two boys behind us "Sorry" they say together. We get to the door and I use the unlocking spell to get in.

Once we're in we can hear a harp playing, he's already here, "wait a minute, he's..snoring." Ron says. "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp." Harry told us "ugh. It's got horrible breath." What do you expect Ron it's a dog, his breath isn't going to smell like flowers.

"We have to move it's paw" I stated to the other three. "What?" Ron seems unsure about it. "Come on!" Harry says. We all grab Fluffy's paw and push it off the trap door, we open the door and look down it's.. pitch black, we can't seen anything " I'll jump first. Then I'll give you a little sign if it's safe for you guys to follow" I look at them all Harry looks a bit unsure "No (Y/n) let me, it could be dangerous" I roll my eyes.

"Harry I'm quite brave, I'll be able to handle a little jump and fight" I smile at him then Harry asks "Does it seem a bit quite to you?"

"The harp.. it's stopped playing." Hermione tells us, she's right it's stopped which mean... Fluffy would wake up soon. I look up to see three heads looking at us.. but they looks more calm when I was looking at them, one started to drool and that landed on Ron, oh no. "Ugh! Yuck! Ugh" Ron cried out, that's when they all looked up and Fluffy once again changed to being protective, "Jump" I said while going down there first then the rest followed.

We landed on some vines that were quite soft, I stand up and brush myself off, then it hits me. Ron try's to lighten the mood "Lucky this plant thing's here. Really." I look at Hermione with a worried expression and she does the same, we both know what this plant is, this is not good, the vines start to wrap around my legs and I fall down. "Whoa!" Harry yell's, it starts wrapping its self around all of us.

"Stop moving both of you" Hermione demands

"This is Devil's Snare, you idiots, you have to relax, or else it will only kill you faster if you struggle more." I tell them calming relaxing myself and Hermione relax's too. "Kill is faster? Oh, now I can relax!" You can heat how much Ron is panicking just by his voice, we sarcastically smile at him and then slid through the vines and land at the bottom of them "Hermione, (Y/n)!" They both hell out to us. "Now what are we gonna do?" Ron panic's. "Just relax!" Hermione's and I y'all out to them.

Fell In Love With Potter's Twin//Draco x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now