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-listens to BMC DEH and heathers

-doesn't know why she listens to Play Rehearsal a lot


- keeps denying that he's emo

- keeps denying he's short even though his boyfriend (Jake) thinks otherwise.

-Leches older brother

-trans kid

-57 in.


-has the same personality as me

- she doesn't know that Toga is her biological mom (got adopted by shigaraki and Dabi)

- even though her dads' are villains they support her wanting to be a hero.

Mayako(same one as above):

- she has tiny eyebrows because of her mom's tiny eyebrows

- also constantly denies being emo.


-Rue's twin sister

-W A V E H A I R


-Riku's twin brother.

- W A V E

-gayer than angel dust (hazbin hotel)


-Bubbly personality



-gets annoyed easily.

-Alans younger sister (by ten minutes)



-Eraserhead kid

-has Present Mic's energy and loudness

-has a mix of both Aizawa's and Mic's quirks

gets along with Denki (brother in law)

and (in some miracle way) gets along with Shinsou (her brother)

Mac ( OC belongs to Starry_Wolf_Pack. )



quirk: shadow manipulation (she can control shadows and use them in various ways)

Appearance: black ripped skinny Jean's, combat boots, grey-ish skin due to quirk drawbacks along with one of her hands had turned completely black for the same reason, she had black scales with red irises

-practical brother is Bakugo

-practical sister is Hiroaka



-older brother is Bakugo

-practical sister is Mac ( Starry_Wolf_Pack 's OC)

-Already thinks of todoroki as a brother and calls him 'big bro' sometimes


-shy af

- was the one who got Bakugo and Todoroki together.



-Foreign exchange (from america)

-Alans boyfriend

-Tall af (like this bitch 72.00 in.)

-literally the slightly taller, non-blonde version of Denki

-Denki's adopted brother

bnha ship kid shtuffesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon