With a kind nod, he left. The door closed, and muffled sobs sounded from the corner of the room. Hope didn't have to look to see who it came from. Amethyst stood up and walked over to Ashley. She had been Lauri's best friend, and Hope knew she, even before it had even happened, felt responsible.

"Let's go outside, honey," Amy said softly. Hope looked behind her just in time to see how Ashley nodded and hung on to Amethyst as if her life depended on it.

Don't you dare, Hope Manning.

Amy's thoughts sounded clear and furious. She didn't look in her roommate's direction, but if she would have, her eyes would have been flaming with rage.

Normally, Hope didn't care for that rage. But now it felt even for her inappropriate. Hope huffed when the door closed, causing a stray dark curl to flutter in the air.

Amethyst found Hope before she could even start looking.

"Go on, guys," she said to her friends. "I'm coming."

She turned to Hope, who raised her eyebrows and said: "I have to go to class, Amy."

"Stop it, okay? Take a break," Amethyst hissed in response.

Hope leaned against her locker.

"You spoke to her."

"I did, as a matter of fact."

"Why are you so angry with me?" She was genuinely curious. Amy couldn't possibly think Hope had caused Lauri's death, did she?

"Just... stop it, okay? It doesn't work. It doesn't make any sense. There is enough misery on this world. Listening to Lauri... it made me realize that we... that you... are so ungrateful."

Amy couldn't be threatening if she wished, but she was an expert in making people uncomfortable.

"People die every day. That shouldn't stop me from doing what I want."

"Are you hearing yourself?" Red spots started appearing in her neck. "Ugh. Just..." Amethyst started to turn away from her, but Hope caught her by her elbow.

"Give me one good reason. We had a treaty, and now you're trying to change it."

Amethyst narrowed her blue eyes.

"Because it's the human thing to do. And because everyone in this school has enough on their plates right now. A lot of people loved Lauri."

Just like a lot of people love you, but still, you are here complaining.

"Okay," Hope heard herself say. "One week."

Amethyst hesitated.

"Thanks," she said.

And Hope tried. She really tried, but during fourth period, she heard something she couldn't ignore. Amethyst wasn't it this class, so she couldn't be angry with her. She just never had to know.

Just two words, but they stood out by the fear that shone through. Okay, it was not if Hope hadn't chosen to listen. She just saw the discomfort on the face of the girl a few chairs to the left. Those face were the most interesting. It was funny to hear how they were panicking about homework they didn't do, about a bad grade, about a teacher who didn't like them. It was more fun than listening to depressed thoughts and girls who cheated on their boyfriends. She couldn't do anything with these little thoughts she was about to hear – or so she thought – but they were like reading a comic book in between heavy books of philosophy.

Oh, God.

The girl was staring at the teacher. Her thoughts continued.

Please don't look at me.

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