18:The Pyromaniac and The Shy Girl

Start from the beginning

Cary finally breaks from his Mom and looks over at me and his Dad. He stands up, put his hands and Cary's shoulders, and nods his head. He ruffles his hair and walks over to his wife. Cary looks back down at me and smiles.

"Pretty weird, right?" he asks.

"Cary, you're gonna have to be more specific than that. I'm pretty sure the past few days have been the definition of weird." He holds out his hand and helps me to my feet. I put my pressure on my not injured leg and he holds my hand to help keep my balance.

"The fact that we became friends only a few days ago, and now here we are. The pyromaniac and the shy girl, saving the world." I smile with him, but then frown.

"Where are we? I mean, what are we?" His smile slips a bit and he looks me in the eyes.

"I don't know, what do you want to be?" I bite my lip again and look at the ground. No, I don't want to tell Cary how much he means to me. What if he doesn't feel the same?

"Chloe, look at me." he says. I look up and he takes both of my hands. "I'm not sure what you felt when we kissed, but I felt this spark...this electricity...these...."

"Fireworks," we both say at the same time. We both smile. So he did feel the same when we kissed. So does that mean...

"Chloe, will you make me the happiest guy in the universe and be my girlfriend?" He's seriously asking?

"Only if you'll be my pyromaniac." He smiles and kisses me quickly, but I can still feel the fireworks.

"Chloe?" a voice calls. My eyes widen and I turn around. I gasp and yell out, "SARA!" The woman looks over at me and smiles. I let go of Cary and run straight to her, ignoring any pain in my leg. I hug her tightly and we both start to cry.

"I thought you were dead!" I say.

"I thought I was too! I woke up and heard your voice and then a bright light. I struggled down and somehow found myself out here!" I let go of her and look over at Cary. I motion him forward and he walks over.

"Sara, this is Cary," I properly introduce. She looks him up and down before smiling.

"Nice to meet you Cory."

"It's Cary, Sara."

"Right, Cary. So you're dating Chloe, huh?" I smiled at the shock on Cary's face.

"How did you know?" Cary asks.

"It's a gift," she answers. A loud crash draws our attention back to the water tower as the rocket ship takes off.

"Holy sh*t," Cary and I say at the same time again. We smirk at each other and hold hands again.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" a police officer says to Sara. "I have some bad news. I appears that your house...well...burnt down."

"What?!" Sara and I gasp.

"Well, it technically was hit with a flaming tank. Sorry bout that." And then he walks off. Jerk.

"Oh God what are we going to do?" Sara thinks aloud.

"I think we can help," Cary's Dad says as he walks over with his wife.

"Oh no, we can't take your money," Sara says. She is very sensitive about borrowing money.

"That's not what I was suggesting." He looks down at me. "I told you that you and your Aunt are always welcome. You could pay rent, and we have plenty of room." I can see the hesitation on Sara's face, but between my pleading face and the fact that we have no house anymore, how can she say no?

"That would be lovely, thank you so much," Sara finally sighs. I smile and hug Cary. As I do, I notice that my bracelet that my Mom gave me is gone. I gasp and hold my wrist.

"My bracelet is gone!"

"It might have flown off to the tower like Joe's locket did," Cary says. "I'm really sorry." At first, I'm devastated. But then a strange sense of acceptance washes over it.

"No, don't be," I say. "It was time to let go. The past is the past. It's time to go into my new life. With you." We both look up at the starry sky where somewhere, there is an alien flying away, hopefully home. I should probably be thankful for that thing. It brought Cary and I together. I probably would just be that shy girl in the corner. But now I'm so much more.

I'm friends with six people

I'm braver

I'm more independent

I saved the world

And most importantly......

I'm Cary's girlfriend. And that's more than I could ever ask for.

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