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A while later Caitlyn comes back alone which confuses everyone, Wheres Kate? You're all wondering.

Caitlyn explains everything and starts crying when explaining the other camp chose Kate which makes you give her a hug, she wished she done better but we were all proud Mx Caitlyn tells us what the trail was and it sounded so difficult so to get any stars isn't bad at all.

Jaqueline and Andrew are away to do a dingo dollar challenge and you're hoping that they come back with some food.

While they're away you're resting your head on brads lap while he plays with your hair while you are all chatting away.

A while after they left the phone rings so James quickly runs to answer it and then he talks to you guys

"According to a recent survey what percentage of adults want a perfect body than a perfect body A 54% or B 24%?" James asks

"A" Caitlyn says

"I think it's A because you can hide your body with Abby clothes" you say with a small laugh and after a short discussion you all go for A.

Jaqueline and Andrew come back

"Do you have gifts?" Caitlyn asks

"Yes!" Jaqueline says making you all 'yay' and you are all so happy even just seeing crisps

"They're so beautiful" you say and you all cheers crisps and start eating them it's so good your eyes are rolling into the back of your head

"How can someone make eating crisps look so good?" Brad says to the camera in shock talking about you

You're all taking about sports

"How did you become a runner then Y/n?" James asks you

"Well I used to run everywhere and then in primary school they had an athletics club which I joined and won the races so they sent me to a running club and then I done races which got noticed so then I was asked to trial for the olympics" you tell them

"That's mad" brad says and then the food arrives and it's an Emu which gets cooked and you all enjoy it as it's actual food.

All this happening while the rest at camp are trying to earn everyone's luxury items which you were oblivious to but they didn't get any of yours which none of you have a clue about but you honestly didn't mind you didn't mind if you got it or not, yours was just a bunny stuffed toy you had when you were younger that has your old dogs paw print stitched on the stomach, it reminds you of home and also helps reduce your anxiety. But then you get a letter and you don't mind at all but Jaqueline really wanted hers and you could tell she was sad so you give her a hug.

After eating you all decide to chat away while sitting on the log, it starts to get cold and brad notices your cold and wraps his arms around you which makes you smile. A while later you fall asleep so brad picks you up and places you into your sleeping bag.

You are sleeping when suddenly

"Good morning jungle, here we are! Caitlyn shouts waking everyone up and giving you a fright

"Mmh" you mumble and head back too sleep as it's extremely dark so probably very early in the morning.

You then wake up the next day and you're back eating rice and beans

"It's literally tastes like cardboard" you groan

"It does doesn't it?" Brad agrees and then Ant and Dec Come to announce who's going to be doing a trial but they announce that it's all of you as you guys are all heading to the other camp to reunite.

"It's good that we are all going together" you say and then you head to the trial

I'm a celebrity get me out of here 2019 - brad Simpson - bws - The Vamps Where stories live. Discover now