Chapter 1: Into Tvd

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Jack a carefree and lazy genius gets transported into vampire diaries

Will he interact with the characters or stay in the background and watch the events unfold


*Leo looks like the front photo and pretend his eyes are green*

Okay, I think I'm going crazy I was just in my room about to go to sleep when a light appeared

Yes, Literally a magic glowy light thing captured my vision and just dropped me like a sack of potatoes in front of a sign that I'm pretty sure belongs to my favorite show "Vampire Diaries"

"Jack, the rent needs to be paid by tomorrow at 12 or I'm going to have to evict you" said the land owner in a harsh and demanding tone, then hung up

sigh, "I wish I could just live a normal life and find a girl" I said before flopping on my bed.
I take a glimpse at my shelf that houses my 12 trophies from winning mixed martial arts competitions, wishing of being able to take up my hobby again.

My older sister and parents died when I was 7 from a car accident when a drunk driver hit them causing their car to flip over and explode killing them on impact.

I was brought to an orphanage and lived there until I was 16, then was kicked out and was made to live on my own. Also, because of stupid taxes and stuff I had to get a job, great just great[note the sarcasm]

I wouldn't say I'm a world class genius but I could go off as a normal genius. Which helped in me achieving a well paying job as an author. 

Since I wasn't able to acquire friends from all the studying and working I pulled myself to fantasy series and manga. My all time favorite was Vampire Diaries and I always wished to live in that world and watch all the funny misfortunes Elena faces. When the Originals showed up I thought it was gonna be another Kathrine schananagin,but when the only girl original was awakened I always dreamed to be best friends and help her find a man.

Welp, that's never gonna happen so I'm just going to live my life like I have always.

………(awkward silence)


There is some shiny glow coming from my closet and me being a very curious soul I made the stupid decision of opening the door and before my mind can comprehend anything my vision goes black.

When I opened my eyes I was met with the rough grassy ground with a thud.


Ya, that's what happened to me before noticing the sign.

You might be thinking 'why wasn't I freaking out' or telling myself, 'this is a dream', and the answer is simple,

I don't really care 
[*sigh* and that's why your carefree]

"You know I was really hoping for you to at least be a little freaked out"???

"WHAT!" I screamed

"Who said that,''I said while frantically looking around

"Stop looking around you won't find me"???

"Why not" I said trying to piece together where he is

"I'm inside your head and using telepathy to communicate with you"???

……… "okaay" I said confused

"What's your name and are you the one who sent me here" I calmly said trying to not over react

Vampire Diaries/ Rebekah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now