Chapter 1 - expanding universe and positive time

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As we know our universe is expanding as you are reading this . So i have a hypothesis saying that as the flow of positive time, the universe expands . According to my hypothesis, there is requirement of positive time and negative time inorder to exist from nothing. As shown in my so called introduction , 1-1=0 which means that there is a universe having positive time (our current universe) and there's another universe with negative time . I will explain the negative time and contracting universe in another chapter .
Now let divide -1 and +1 in left and right corners and see them as universe .

Expanding universe Contracting universe

+1 -1
+1+1 -1-1
+1+1+1 -1-1-1
+1+1+1+1 -1-1-1-1

So before 0 is +1 and -1. But there is difference in time in different parts of space. We will get onto that later. So with increase with our velocity of delay of time can be achieved. But in negative timeverse , with increase of velocity gaining of time can be achieved . In our positiveverse, we move towards future but in negativeverse, we move towards past. Due to polarization of time we have two kinds of product ie space and energies ,Through which matter begin to came in existence . In our positiveverse, black hole exist but in negativeverse,whitehole exists. Our universe is filled with matter but negativeverse is filled with antimatter. Without each other there is no space and no existence . So our existance is not existing at all . In our positiveverse, blackhole gives bigbang but in negativeverse, whitehole gives bigvoid.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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