Chapter 1

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Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister First Order has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.

With the support of the Republic, General Leia Organa, my mother, leads a brave Resistance. She is desperate to find her brother Luke and gain his help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy.

Leia has sent me and her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Jakku, where an old ally has discovered a clue to Luke's whereabouts....

A small, peaceful village. Distant sounds of native animals. A single wind chime. BB-8 rolls around outside the hut as Poe and I sit inside along with Lor San Tekka, an old ally of the Resistance.

He hands a small leather sack to Poe and wraps it up in his hand.
"This will begin to make things right." Tekka tells us. "I've travelled too far, and seen too much, to ignore the despair in the Galaxy. Without the Jedi," he glances at me, "there can be no balance in the force."

"Well, because of you now we have a chance." I tell him, placing a hand on the mans shoulder in gratitude.

"The Generals been after this for a long time." Pow looks down at the object in his hand.

"'The General.' To me, shes royalty." Tekka smiles and looks to me. "Your mother is doing so much for us all. Thank her for me, will you."

"I will." I nod. Then BB-8 comes into the hut, frantic and tells Poe and I that troops are approaching.

"We've got company." Pow looks to Tekka and I and we quickly gather our things and head out the door.

I take out my quadnoculars and zoom in on the horizon.  Several enemy ships become visible and I lower the quadnocs. "It's the first order."

"You have to hide." Poe turns to Tekka.

"You two have to leave." He says. Poe and I glance to each other, feeling conflicted. "Go!"

We glance at Tekka one last time and take off toward our ship. BB-8 follows suit, catching up close behind. Hurrying through the village, various armed villagers take position, preparing to defend themselves.

We reach the X-Wing fighter, parked at a distance from the village, hidden behind some rocks.

"Come on, Annie! Hurry!" Poe cries to me as he climbs in and extends his hand for me to grab. I latch on and he pulls me up into the seat behind him.

I send BB-8 into the droid socket and we turn the X-Wing on. As the control panel comes to life, Poe closes the canopy. I glance back behind us and watch as the enemy arrives.

Poe and I urgently work the controls. BB-8 beeps and the landing lights come on and the engine whines to life. Just as we're about to take off, we're suddenly hit by blasterfire.

We jolt around and glance back. "Two stormtroopers at six o'clock!" I inform him.

"I see 'em!" BB-8 beeps nervously as Poe grabs his controls and forest at them, using the X-wings drop down antipersonnel blaster. The two troopers are blown away in the large blast. I then try to start the ship now, but the engine sputters.

Concerned, we open the canopy, jump down, and move to the back of the ship. I discover severe damage on the rear engine panel.

"Oh, we're in trouble." I mutter.

"No, you're not." He tells me as he runs back to the ship and grabs the small leather pouch. Dropping BB-8 back down he takes out the artifact and places it in the droids multi-reader. "You take this. It's safer with you than it is with me." He tells the droid and then turns to me, grabbing my hands. "Go with BB-8. Get as far away from here as you can. Do you hear me?"

"Not without you." I tell him, staring deeply into his eyes. He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'll come back for you." He tells me, gently pushing his forehead into mine. Then looks to the droid. "Both of you." Then takes a blaster from the ship and runs off. "It will be alright, Annie!"

"Poe!" I yell after him. "Poe!" Then BB-8 rolls up to my leg and beeps in terror. "You're right. We need to get out of here."

And we take off running in the opposite direction.

We make it about a mile away from the small village hen e hear an explosion. I turn my head and see a large mushroom cloud engulfed with fire. BB-8 beeps sadly.

"If he died, I'm gonna kill him." I tell the droid. He beeps reassuringly. "I know I didn't mean that." I look away from the wreckage. "Come on, we need to find a way back to base."

After wandering for what seems to be miles, the sun as come up. It's hot, and I am extremely dehydrated. I collapse into the sand. My throat and mouth is dry, I'm desperate for a drop of water. BB-8 sees me and stops, rolling back to me and let's out a soft beep.

"I need water." I tell him. He beeps again. "Yes, I know you're fine but I'm a living being who needs things like food and water to survive."

Then, out of nowhere a net is shot out at us and traps my droid. He beeps frantically, unable to get out.

"BB-8!" I exclaim, but then a net is cast onto me as well. A small, brutish desert tyrant approaches us as he rides a luggabeast. He yells at us, but I can't understand anything he is saying. BB-8 beeps madly and I try to tear the trap off of me.

"Let us go!" I scream out. "I'm warning you!"

"Tal'ama parqual!" I hear a girl yell a ways away. We all go silent and then to her. She yells again, "Parqual zatana!" The tyrant yells something back to her. BB-8's head swivels to him, then back to her, like watching a tennis match. The woman angrily moves to us, pulling a knife from her pouch. She starts cutting the netting around the both of us. The tyrant freaks out as I free myself from the net. The woman then stands and says fiercely, "Noma!"

He yells what seems to be a vulgar statement at her, but then rides off on his beast. BB-8 begins to beep at the departing bully, provocatively.

"BB-8! There's no need for that kind of language." I tell him. "Even though he deserves it!" I yell after him. Then I stand up and look at the curious woman. My droid asks her who the tyrant was.

"That's just Teedo. Wants you for parts." She tells the droid and then looks to me. "Probably meant to sell you into slavery." She says. "He has no respect for anyone. Your antennas bent." The woman bends down and straightens his antenna. "Where are you two from?"

"That's classified." I tell her.

"Classified. Really?" She says, standing back up. "Me too. Big secret." She then points off into the horizon. "Niima Post is that way, stay off Kelvin Ridge. And keep away from the Sinking Fields in the north, you'll drown in the sand."

She walks back to her little make shift house.

"Excuse me? But do you have an extra water?" I ask her.

"Go away." She calls after me. BB-8 begins to follow her. "Don't follow me. Town is that way." She points back to the horizon. "You'll find some water there."

"Please." I beg.

"No!" She heads off again. Finally he BB-8 beeps to her, something sweet this time. That we are alone, scared, have no one else. This makes her stop. She turns and looks at us. Not liking us one bit. But a gesture of her head says, reluctantly, "Come on." BB-8 quickly moves to her. I smile and follow after and the three of us head off together. "In the morning, you go."

"Thank you." I tell her.

"You're welcome." Then we walk over a dune.

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