Gay or European (Not a chapter)

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Hikari: *muncul* Guys!

Semua: Ye?

Hikari: Hika nak buat lagu untuk chapter ni. Setuju ke tak?

Semua: Umm...setuju!

Hikari: Nah. Hika bagi korang 12 jam untuk hafal. *bagi skrip*

Semua: *ambil skrip* *baca* Erk!

Hikari: Kenapa?

Rudy: Gay or European!? Ko ni biar betul!?

Hikari: Betul la. Dah! Sambung hafal! Dan Zass...

Zass: ???

Hikari: Kau guna alat suara ni. *bagi Zass alat suara*

Zass: *ambil pakai*

Selepas 12 jam...

Hikari: Ready! Action !

Geetha: There right there!
Look at that tanned, well-tended skin
Look at the killer shape he's in
Look at that slightly stubbly chin
Oh please he's gay
Totally gay!

Leon: I'm not about to celebrated
Every trait could indicate
A totally straight expatriate

his guy's not gay
I say not gay.

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy, Geetha, Leon: That is the elephant in room
Well is it relevant to assume
That a man who wears perfumes
Is automatically radically fey?

Leon: But look at his auoft and crispy locks

Geetha: Look at his silk translucent socks

Leon: There's the eternal paradox
Look what we're seeing

Geetha: What are we seeing?

Leon: Is he gay?

Geetha: Of course he gay!

Leon: Or European?

Semua/ Leon, Rudy, Hikari: Oooo~


Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Gay or european?
It's hard to guarantee
Is he gay or european? *pandang Chris*

Chris: Well, hey don't look at me!

Iman: You see they bring their boys up different

n those charming foreign ports
They play peculiar sports

Semua/ Hikari, Iman, Rudy: In shiny shirts and tiny short

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Gay or european?
The answer could take weeks
They both say things like 'Ciao bella'
While they kiss you on both cheeks

Geetha: OH PLEASE!!!

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Gay or european?
So many shades of gray!

Moon: Depending on the time of day
The French go either way

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Is he gay or european?

Lia: There!
Right there!
Look at that condescending smirk
Seen it on every guy at work
That is metro-hetero jerk!
That guy's not not gay
I say no way!

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: That is the elephant in the room
Well is it relevant to presume
That a hottie in that costume

Hikari, Rudy: =_=

Roza: Is automatically, radically

Bulat: Ironically, cronically

Mika: Scurtiny, curtainly

Bakar: Genetically, medically

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Gay!
Officially gay!
Officially gay!
Gay gay gay!

Rudy: *cium tangan Hikari*

Hikari: *pergi basuh tangan*

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Damn it!
Gay or european?

Karya: So stylish and relaxed

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Is he gay or european?

Thorn: I think his chest is waxed OwO

Ying: But they bring their boys up different there
It's culturally diverse!
It's not a fashion curse!

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: If he wears a klit
Or bears a purse
Gay or just exotic?
I still can't crack the code!

Mika: Yeah his accent is hypnotic
But his shoes are pointy toed

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Huh!
Gay or european?
So many shades of gray!

Yaya: But if he turns out straight I'm free at 8 on Saturday

Rudy: [No way in hell!]

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy: Is he gay or european!?
Gay or european?!
Gay or Euro-

Khai: Wait a minute! Give me a chance to crack this guy. I have an idea I'd like to try.

Leon: The floor is yours.

Khai: So Mr. Rudy... This is alleged affair with Mrs. Hikari...

Hikari: WHY MEH!?

Khai: =_= Has been going on?

Rudy: 2 years.

Khai: And your first name again is?

Rudy: Rudy.

Khai: And your boyfriend name is?

Hikari: ^v^

Rudy: Ali.

Semua/ Ali, Rudy, Hikari: *gasp*

Rudy: I-I'm sorry. I misunderstand. You say boyfriend. I thought you say best friends. Ali is freind.


Semua/ Hikari, Rudy, Ali: WHOA!!!

Ali: And neither is disgrace.

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy, Ali: Oh!

Ali: You gotta stop your begin completely closet case.

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy, Ali: D'OH!

Ali: It's me!
Not her he's seeing!
No matter what he say
I swear he never ever ever swing the othet way
You are so gay!
You big parfait!
You flaming boy in cabaret!

Rudy: I'm straight!

Ali: You were not yesterday.
So if I may
I'm proud to say

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy, Ali: AND EUROPEAN!!!

Ali: HE'S GAY!!!

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy, Ali: AND EUROPEAN!!!

Ali: HE'S GAY!!!

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy, Ali: AND EUROPEAN AND GAY~!

Rudy: FINE, OKAY I'M GAY!!! *cium Ali*

Semua/ Hikari, Rudy, Ali: HOORAY!!!

Hikari: Kerja yang bagus semua. Jadi... Hika ingat nak buat macam ni selepas 1 chapter. Reader setuju ke tak?

Rahsia AliOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz