Chapter 1

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Matthew (POV)

As always my day always goes bad cause of these damn ass bullies I mean what's so awesome about bringing one down ? Is what I ask myself everyday .

I was walking in the halls of the school on my way to my locker as I reached my locker I just felt a punch to my face and I fell to the ground with a loud crash . I yelped and others who were watching just laughed .I was being attacked by the same group of boys that does it to me everyday the boy on the left kicked my leg so I hard I was so sure I heard a crack I was sure that was going to leave a mark what a way to start your week 🙄🙄

It was horrible but I've gotten uses to the pain over the years , I've been attacked several times the last week and lately it has been getting worse ( I mean don't y'all have something better to do )

I would usually just pass out from the exhaustion or faint . Either one I would rather just be unconscious than feel the pain that I feel everyday that my is so tired of .

After a couple more minutes of kicking and punching the boys were getting tired and bored they slowed their pace they sighed in annoyance and backed away .

I slowly manoeuvred out of my huddle and stretched my limbs I scanned my body nothing was broken but I was badly bruised I tried to stand up but as soon as I did I felt the pain in my leg that the boy kicked me earlier on I fell to the straight back down to the ground I made a second attempt and I succeeded .

I limped towards my locker and shoved some books into it I closed it and headed to my next class I was used to the beatings but sometimes I think it's a little too much

I walked passed the office to my class and scurried to the seat way at the back I grabbed a seat that didn't have any student in no one sat next to me well except my best friend Luke . people believed that if they talked or interacted with me they would get bullied too . Luke was an exception , Luke my Bestfriend was the brother of my worst nightmare/dream the bully Chad .

I barley went to Luke's house because I'd have to see his brother But when I did go Luke would always make sure that I didn't get hurt by him Luke would beat up his brother . My Hero , i chuckled at the remark . The teacher steps in and begins class , guess no one is sitting next to me again .

Ms benard began speaking about chemicals and some other chemistry stuff I didn't know , I mean let's be honsest I don't like school heck no one likes school I mean that's some of the worst hours of our lives

I finished class and headed to my next class I carefully avoided Chad the bully unfortunately my next class was gym , I didn't hate gym I just didn't like the fact that Chad would be there ugh Luke is there too so that made everything better

I quickly ran into the changing room and took off my shirt and pants , I threw on a white T-shirt and a basketball shorts

Today we were doing relay races , I loved running because Im pretty good at it I could block out the world for a while and just focus and start running

The group of teens walked outside to the track that was around the corner
"Alright everybody its racing time !" Our gym teacher yelled "Everybody look at the sheet of paper to see who your partner is" the teacher pointed to a sheet on the bench I quickly scanned to see who my partner is Guess who's my partner non other than the devil himself chad !


Yo peeps ! How was my first chapter ? I'm quite new to this story writing so read comment and vote and point out my mistakes so I can do better in my next chapter

Show me some love y'all follow me on Instagram @i_am_Christopher 12 it would be highly appreciated yo !

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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