"I have." Mabel piped up, "Henry and his wife kiss all the time.. It's very strange."

"I once overheard Mrs. Lynde and her husband share a kiss. It sounded like a cow dragging its hind hoof out of a swamp!"

The group of girl's burst out in laughter, Mabel's face turning red from the lack of air.

"If someone were to kiss me, I'm afraid I'd do something silly.. or forget to do something I should do." Diana explained, looking around at the girl's for assistance. "What are the rules? Why don't they teach kissing etiquette?"

Anne stood suddenly, startling Mabel who sat next to her. "We could make a game! To see who could conduct the most romantic courtship. With brave nights and enchanted princesses and sorcerers and desperados! It'd be great practice.

"Oh, Anne! You have such a beautiful imagination.."

"Diana you can play the gallant young man.."

Diana grinned and got into a kneeling position.

"Prince Wisteria, wilt thou let fly the feather of fortune and choose thy heart pure maiden?" Anne spoke wistfully, pretending her hand was a king's staff.

"I shall." Diana said, mimicking a man's voice as she stood.

She held the feather over the girls, letting it go. The wind carried it over to Tille.

"Uh.. oh." Tillie stammered out as she stood up. "What should I do, Diana?"

"Oh! Tillie, you can't talk to Prince Wisteria as if he were our friend, Diana. It spoils the effect." Anne explained.

"I-I'm waiting for my handsome young prince to come and claim me." Tillie said, her hands folded together.

Diana cleared her throat as she spoke in the same fake man's voice. "Why, who is this fair and noble maiden?"

Diana spun her around and planted a kiss on her cheek. Mabel couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if that was her and Anne.

"Why must the girl wait for the boy?"



"Are you mad? Mabel, tell Anne she's gone completley out of her mind." Ruby spoke, turning to Mabel.

"If I wanted to kiss a boy.. couldn't I just... kiss him?"

The girl's around Mabel scolded Anne through laughter, shouting about how that's not "proper".

Mabel shook her head, but grinned nonetheless. She felt happiness shoot through her as she looked around at her friends. But she only wanted to gaze at Anne.


Mabel, Diana, Anne, and Ruby linked their arms together as they rushed up to the school house giggling

"Have you ever noticed what cheerful things brooks are?" Anne sighed dreamily.

"How sweet!" Ruby grinned.

𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 ~ 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐲-𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 Where stories live. Discover now