The end of pennywise

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I was standing next to Richie as he was playing Street fighter in the gross arcade. Richie lost and turned to me pecking my lips and when he was going in for another one we heard Bill calling our names. We turned around and Richie said " What do you want?" Bill frowned and said " I-it got B-beverly!" I was so shocked I didn't talk but Richie did " What?" Richie questioned obviously not wanting to except the truth. " Bev, Rich IT got her!" Richie grabbed my hand and we ran out to our bikes to go get the other Losers. I went and got Eddie, Richie got Ben and bill got Mike and Stan. I rode up to my house and ran inside grabbing Eddie and saying " It got Bev we have to go!" I then realized he was crying and said " what's wrong eds?". " My pills they're placebos!" I was shocked to say the least and said " Oh shit bro that's fucked up!' he shook his head and said " lets go save Bev." As we were walking out our mom blocked us and said " What are you doing?" ' Going out with our friends" she shook her head and looked at Eddie saying " Eddie bear you're too sick!" Eddie shook his head, grabbed his pills out of his fannypack and said " do you know what these are? They're gazebos they're bullshit!" And threw them on the ground. I smiled and said "fuck yeah Eds let's go!" We ran out with our mother behind us yelling. I was laughing at the fact Eddie said gazebos instead of placebos. We jumped on our bikes and rode to the ugly ass crackhead house. I smiled at Richie and grabbed his hand walking inside. We walked over to the well and I climbed down first. Mike was the last one to climb down and I heard him scream but I was in the back so I couldn't hear anything but I heard them all scream about Bowers so I was terrified. Then Henry fell down the well and Mike climbed down unharmed I turned to check on Stan but he wasn't there. " Where the fuck in fucking Stan!" I yelled earning the attention of the Losers. We ran through the sewers looking for our friend. We found him getting his fucking face sucked off by some ugly ass lady. She ran away and we grabbed Stan as he was yelling about us not being his friends. " It's not our fucking fault you fucking wandered away so dont ever say we are not your friends!" I yelled pissed about him accusing us of not being his friends. "I'm sorry" he said looking down I hugged him and said " I'm sorry Stan the Man!" He smiled and hugged back I looked over and said " ok now where the fuck did Bill go!" " Wow y/n I think you swear more than Rich!" Eddie said but the realizing what I said got up and started searching for Bill, but what we found was Beverly floating in the air we dragged her down and Ben shook her shoulders yelling her name but then he kissed her! The life then returned to her eyes as she said "January embers" and Ben said " my heart burns there too!" I then yelled " what the actual fuck!" We all group hugged and then we heard Bill and walked over. He was standing next to Georgie the boy we have been trying to find all summer. He was wearing a gray crew neck and one of his arms were torn completely off. I'm not a doctor or anything but I think he would have already died of infection down here. I was snapped out of thought by Bill shooting 'Georgie' in the head. He fell onto the ground and started to shake really hard. The boy most of us have known for his whole life slowly morphed into the fucking clown. Bill walked over and tried to shoot it but it wasn't loaded. We then fought the clown until it grabbed Bill. " Let him go!' Bev screamed on the verge of tears " no I'll take him all take all of you, I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear, or you can leave me with him and you can all live happy live until death takes you back to the weeds." ( I don't remember the exact quote don't @ me) pennywise said being a whore as usual. Bill being the brave child he is said " I-its my fault j-just go I'm sss-sorry!" Richie stood up and said " Yeah you're right Bill this is your fault your punched me in the face, made me walk through shitty water, brought me to a fucking crackhead house, and now I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown! Welcome to the Losers club asshole!" He then hit the clown with a bat and the fight continued we cornered it and Bill said " that's why you didn't kill Beverly because she wasn't afraid now you're the one that's afraid because you're going to starve." Pennywise then fell down the pipe with a final " Fear..." I ran over and hugged Richie and Eddie glad the two people who mean to most to me are ok. We walked over to bill who was crying over Georgie's raincoat and all had another group hug. We all walked out of the sewers ok not mentally but physically. Me Eddie and Richie were walking home together and Eddie said " Shit y/n our mom's gonna kill us!" " You guys have been gone a solid 24 hrs your faces are on a milk carton by now!" I laughed as he rapped his arm around me. Eddie gagged and said " If you're gonna do that don't do it around me!" I laughed and grabbed Richie's face and pressing my lips against his as Eddie gagged again yelling for us to stop. We made it to our house and Richie whispered something to Eddie and he nodded walking inside. I went to follow him but Richie grabbed my arm. I turned around and said " Yes Richard?" He smiled and said " I love you, fighting a killer clown made me sure of that" I jumped in his arms and said " I love you too!" We then kissed I said goodbye to him and walked inside smiling like an idiot. My mom walked up to me and said " Where were you I was so worried!" I just hugged her and said " Don't worry me and Eddie are ok." She smiled and said " I love you honey" I turned and said " Love you to mommy" She might have been crazy but she was my mom and I loved her. I walked in my room to see Eddie standing there all covered in the gross black goo " get the fuck out of my room like that asshole!" He laughed and said what did Richie have to say?" I smile and said " He told me he loves me" Eddie looked shock and said " wow I didn't know Trashmouths new how to love!" I flipped him off and when he left I jumped in the shower for a long time washing away all of the trama. Pennywise was gone!

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