0.8: wedding dress

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He kissed her cheek softly, his eyes full of admiration for her, "Bye princess, see you tomorrow." And with that he left the spot leaving the young girl absolutely stunned.

Nara places a hand on the spot he kissed and replayed the moment, "What on earth was that..." She whispered to herself.

"You are hallucinating Nara, you're drunk, too much champagne." She blabbered slapping her cheeks slightly to kind of bring her back to her senses. "I should go to sleep.." Nara whispered and walked back to her room.

The champagne was enough to get Nara into a deep slumber. The next morning she woke up just like how Cinderella would, as if world peace was regained. She was happy, she found it unusual but she wanted to enjoy it till it lasted.

"Good Morning Mom!" She greeted her Mom who was sitting on the dining table waiting for Nara to join her.

The old lady playfully squinted her eyes at her and looked at her head to toe, "Someone's in a good mood today?" She asked her placing down her newspaper.

"Yeah Mom, I don't know why, but I woke up really happy today!" Nara said with a huge smile on her face as she savoured the taste of the hot waffles. "Weird right?" She spoke with her mouth full of waffles.

"We are meeting Yuta and his mother today right?" Her Mom asked her, hesitant a little, 99% sure that Nara would straight up say 'no'.

"Yeah I know, his Mom informed me about it last night." She said, still stuffing her mouth with waffles.

"And you are fine with it?" Her mom was bewildered over the fact that Nara was okay with missing a day at work, over something like planning a wedding.

"Um" She wiped her mouth with the cloth provided beside her plate and continued "Yeah, it's not everyday that you get to choose a wedding dress, right?" She said and took a sip from her coffee.

"That's unusual." Her Mom whispered

"They will be coming at 11 right?" Nara asked her Mom who was zoned out, still trying figure out Nara's unusual mood today, she processed a series of thoughts is she on her periods? Or is she perhaps pregnant?

"Neither mom, neither am I on my periods nor am I pregnant" Nara facepalmed herself over her mom's loud thoughts, is it so rare for her to be giddy or something. "Now when are they coming, 11 right?" She asked again, repeating her earlier unheard question.

"Yeah, that's what she told me last night." Her Mom replied.

"Okay then! I'll be in my room! Tell me when they come." With that she left the dining table and went back to her room, her natural habitat.

"Was it me or Nara is acting weird today?" Nara's Mom chuckled.

"It's seems like the teenager Nara is back." Xu replied with a short laugh.

"Yes, it feels like that Xu." Her Mom smiles as she thought of the old days when Nara and Doyoung were teenagers, free from the burden of directing a whole company.

The next two hours went by fast. Nara worked in her room and was too engrossed in her work when she heard laughs and greets downstairs. She realised that Yuta and her Mom were here.

As anyone could expect, Nara's pride said 'wait here and let someone call you downstairs, or else he will think you were waiting for him and we don't want that.'

"Nara!" She heard Xu's voice call her. Nara pretended to work on her laptop, she didn't want to show that she was waiting for someone to come and call her down.

"Yeah Xu?" She replied turning her head to the door.

"Your Mom wants you downstairs." She said politely with a warm smile. "And make sure you look presentable Nara, they are your in-laws" Xu continued with a sigh.

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