"Do you think hanging out with both of them separately is a good plan?" Dipper asks, breaking the tension. "Can I observe in the distance?" She asks, her face lighting back up. He smiles at her goofiness and says, "Sure, Mabel."

She squeaks and asks eagerly, "Who first?" "Gideon," Dipper responds. "Yay!" Mabel yells and skips downstairs.

Dipper knocks on the Gleeful's front door. Surprisingly, it wasn't Bud who opened it. It was Gideon. He doesn't know how this is gonna go since he only laid awake at night confused about what he was gonna do about this situation. He never thought about a specific person.

"D-Dipper?" Gideon stutters. "Hey, Gideon. Is there something you want to do today? Anything at all?" Dipper asks. "U-Um. I was craving some of The Club's food," Gideon says nervously. "Great, lets go. I was getting kinda hungry," Dipper states hurriedly.

Gideon's face flushes as Dipper walks down the walkway in front of his house. He shuts the door and happily follows Dipper.

They had a great time talking and eating delicious foods, talking about each other, and laughing.

"Look Gideon, I still don't know what my answer is, but I'm willing to give this a chance," Dipper says as reassuringly as possible.

Of course being on, basically, a date with Gideon was hurting his straight pride, but he knew he'd feel bad if he never gave him or Robbie a chance. Maybe one of them would turn him gay.

To Dipper's surprise Gideon seemed totally okay with that answer because he smiles and says, "I understand. Take all the time you need."

Maybe there is more to Gideon than meets the eye?

"I really don't know what made me like you. Instead of hating you, I get these butterflies in my stomach. I was disgusted at first but I had to admit to myself that I like you. I hope you still don't look at me in anger anymore. I'm hoping this helps to show you that I'm trying to change for you," Gideon explains, trying to carefully place his words.

These words are sweet to Dipper, but he feels as if something is missing in them. Maybe it's maturity or just mature love that's missing. He feels as if Gideon is only naively crushing on Dipper without realizing what he's getting himself into. For now he could only smile at Gideon.

They said their goodbyes and out of nowhere Gideon hugs him. Lovingly. "I'll be patiently waiting. See you soon," Gideon speaks softly in Dipper's ear. He smiles at Dipper before walking home.

Dipper feels he'll only look at Gideon as a close friend. Like a baby brother. It makes him sad that he might have to break Gideon's heart leading to the same thing that happened with Mabel. Dipper becomes scared of the outcome.

"Is Robbie any better?" Dipper asks himself.

Mabel pops out of nowhere beside Dipper.

"So what do ya think?" She asks in a happy tone, scaring Dipper's socks off. "Jesus, Mabel, don't do that to me!" Dipper shouts at her. "Heehee! Sorry! So what'd you think?" Mabel asks again in a sing-song voice.

"He seems like a good guy considering everything he's done," Dipper says bluntly. "Dipper, he's changed since then. He really is trying to get you to see it," Mabel complains. "I do. I just need a little more time to wrap my head around it all," Dipper says.

"I see. But what about Robbie? Do you think he's trying to do the same?" Mabel asks. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Dipper answers.

(Sam, Dean, and Castiel pop out of nowhere and scream-sing "cArrY On mY wAYwARd soOoOOn!!!!" XD Jk guys. Jk)

Clarity✨🥀|| Dipper x Robbie / Dipeon || [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now